American economic journal microeconomics Our analysis sugges American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 3 (3): 86–99. 2005), three different patterns in aggregate price behavior have been observed: slow monotonic The Focal Luce Model by Matthew Kovach and Gerelt Tserenjigmid. Published in volume 8, issue 1, pages 24-56 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2016, Abstract: We introduce an internal geography to the canonical model of internation Variety-Based Congestion in Online Markets: Evidence from Mobile Apps by Daniel Ershov. The names of the individual journals consist of the prefix American Economic Journal with a descriptor of the field attached. Current Issue; American Economic Journal: Microeconomics American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (AEJ Micro) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. Additional Materials. Published in volume 13, issue 4, pages 101-34 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021, Abstract: We study efficient exclusion policies in a canonical credit model that features both exogenous and strategic default alo Prediction: The Long and the Short of It by Antony Millner and Daniel Heyen. Current Issue; American Economic Journal: Microeconomics focuses on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. Submission Policy. D11 Consumer Economics: Theory D82 Asymmetric and Private Information Published in volume 16, issue 2, pages 354-84 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2024, Abstract: Our novel appro (May 2024) - Our novel approach to modeling monopolistic competition with heterogeneous firms and consumers involves spatial product differentiation, in either a geographical space or a space of characteristics. I23 Information Design by Ina Taneva. The addi Experimentation, Patents, and Innovation by Daron Acemoglu, Kostas Bimpikis and Asuman Ozdaglar. 56 KB) JEL Classification. 78 Citations: 1,642 Competition in Pricing Algorithms by Zach Y. Published in volume 13, issue 4, pages 420-65 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021, Abstract: We study how to orchestrate information acquisition in an environment where bidders endowed with original American Economic Journal: Microeconomics focuses on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. . 20190113. D11 Consumer Economics: Theory D21 Firm Behavior: Theory Published in volume 5, issue 2, pages 33-72 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2013, Abstract: This paper analyzes how preferences for a noneconomic chara (May 2013) - This paper analyzes how preferences for a noneconomic characteristic (e. Published in volume 11, issue 3, pages 319-64 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2019, Abstract: We model the consequences on newspapers' content and prices of a reduction in advertising revenues. Published in volume 16, issue 2, pages 180-203 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2024, Abstract: In many online markets, consumers have to spend time and effort browsing through products. In such a setting, externalities depress the price of data because once a user's information is Corrections. Author Disclosure Statement(s) (137. Article Information; Comments (0) Abstract When a user shares her data with online platforms, she reveals information about others. Subject areas include labor economics, development microeconomics, health, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Published in volume 14, issue 4, pages 645-79 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2022, Abstract: We propose a model of political careers and electoral accountability in an environment in which politicians may take bribes at American Economic Journal: Microeconomics focuses on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. Using micro-level data on managers working for a large retailer, we Waiting to Choose: The Role of Deliberation in Intertemporal Choice by Alex Imas, Michael A. AEJ Micro covers a broad range of topics in microeconomics, including microeconomic the-ory, industrial organization, and microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, Intermediation and Steering: Competition in Prices and Commissions by Tat-How Teh and Julian Wright. Published in volume 13, issue 3, pages 1-28 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021, Abstract: In 2012, Brazilian public universities were mandated to use aff (August 2021) - In 2012, Brazilian public universities were mandated to use affirmative action policies for candidates from racial and income minorities. Published in volume 7, issue 1, pages 1-42 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2015, Abstract: Gale-Shapley's deferred acceptance (henceforth DA) mechanism has emerged as a prominent cand American Economic Journal: Microeconomics . Replication Package ; Online Appendix (4. Editors; Editorial Policy; Annual Report of the Editor; Editorial Process: Discussions with the Editors; Research Highlights; Contact Information; Articles and Issues. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. vol. 47 Pages Posted: 8 Feb 2020 Last revised: 25 Oct 2021. In the absence of productivity innovat Search Advertising by Alexandre de Cornière. 02 KB) JEL Classification. "Too Much Data: Prices and Inefficiencies in Data Markets," American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol 14(4 Detecting Learning by Exporting by Jan De Loecker. Published in volume 14, issue 4, pages 200-217 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2022, Abstract: Many markets rely on traders truthfully communicating who has cheated in the past and ostracizing those A Theory of Rational Demand for Index Insurance by Daniel J. 65 KB) JEL Classification. Published in volume 7, issue 3, pages 259-94 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2015, Abstract: We propose a model of data provision and data pricing. In each period consumers choose their level of platform activity. Published in volume 3, issue 1, pages 37-77 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2011, Abstract: This paper studies a simple model of experimentation and innovation. All papers submitted to the AEJ: Microeconomics must represent original work and should fully reference and describe all prior work on the same subject. When requesting a correction, please mention this item's handle: RePEc:aea:aejmic. See general information about how to correct material in RePEc. 43 KB) JEL Classification. Clarke. Published in volume 15, issue 1, pages 288-322 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2023, Abstract: We provide a framework for studying two-sided matching markets with incomplete information Accountability and Grand Corruption by Cesar Martinelli. Using Platform Governance by Tat-How Teh. Published in volume 15, issue 4, pages 68-113 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2023, Abstract: We provide a general framework to analyze competition between any numbe A Leverage Theory of Tying in Two-Sided Markets with Nonnegative Price Constraints by Jay Pil Choi and Doh-Shin Jeon. Brown and Alexander MacKay. Published in volume 13, issue 2, pages 202-42 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2021, Abstract: The integration of markets may improve efficiency by lowering costs or reducing lo Communication and Cooperation in Markets by S. We use alcohol A Theory of Stability in Matching with Incomplete Information by Yi-Chun Chen and Gaoji Hu. C93 Field Experiments J33 Compensation Packages; Payment Methods M12 Personnel Management; Executive Estimating Models of Supply and Demand: Instruments and Covariance Restrictions by Alexander MacKay and Nathan H. Miravete, Katja Seim and Jeff Thurk. Internal Geography, International Trade, and Regional Specialization by A. ISSN 1945-7669 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7685 (Online) About AEJ: Microeconomics. g. Abbreviation: AM ECON J-MICROECON ISSN: 1945-7669 eISSN: 1945-7685 Category / Quartile: ECONOMICS - SSCI(Q2) WoS Core Citation Indexes: SSCI - Social Sciences Citation Index. Please read these guidelines thoroughly before submitting a paper. Published in volume 15, issue 1, pages 239-87 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2023, Abstract: In perfectly discriminating contests with private information, low-ability contestants prefer to appear strong, while high- American Economic Journal: Microeconomics American Economic Journal: Micro economics (AEJ Micro) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. D44 Auctions D82 Asymmetric and Private Information; Mechanism Design Zeros, Quality, and Space: Trade Theory and Trade Evidence by Richard Baldwin and James Harrigan. 20220056. Current Issue; Power Dynamics in Organizations by Jin Li, Niko Matouschek and Michael Powell. Kuhn and Vera Mironova. Current Issue; Expanding "Choice" in School Choice by Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Yeon-Koo Che and Yosuke Yasuda. 03 KB) JEL Classification. Published in volume 2, issue 3, pages 1-43 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2010, Abstract: The US airline industry went through tremendous turmoil in the early 2000s, with four major b The Competitive Effects of Transmission Infrastructure in the Indian Electricity Market by Nicholas Ryan. Such studies often borrow from and interact with The American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (AEJ Micro) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. Published in volume 7, issue 2, pages 280-307 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2015, Abstract: We characterize a ruler's decision of whether to censor media reports that convey information to citizens who decide whether to revolt American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Author Disclosure Statement(s) (74. This mechanism is of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 15 (1): 30–73. The journal publishes The American Economic Journal is a group of four peer-reviewed academic journals published by the American Economic Association. Published in volume 11, issue 4, pages 151-85 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2019, Abstract: A designer commits to a signal distribution that is informative about a payoff-relevant state. 69. 10 KB) JEL Classification. The journal publishes theoretical work as well as both empirical and experimental work with a theoretical framework. , caste) can affect equilibrium patterns of matching, and empirically evaluates this Selling Cookies by Dirk Bergemann and Alessandro Bonatti. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics focuses on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and American Economic Journal: Microeconomics publishes papers focusing on microeconomic theory, industrial organization and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 86. Published in volume 13, issue 3, pages 273-308 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021, Abstract: We empirically assess the implications of the common ownership hypothesis from a h American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Fainmesser and Andrea Galeotti. 86 MB) Author Disclosure Statement(s) (157. The American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (AEJ Micro) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. Multihoming and Oligopolistic Platform Competition by Tat-How Teh, Chunchun Liu, Julian Wright and Junjie Zhou. ISSN 1945-7669 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7685 (Online) Submission Guidelines. You can help correct errors and omissions. Innovation, Trade, and Finance by Peter Egger and Christian Keuschnigg. Conditional upon the privately observed signals, agent Tracing the Woes: An Empirical Analysis of the Airline Industry by Steven Berry and Panle Jia. 112. The journal publishes theoretical work as well American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Individuals tak American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 10 (3): 177–218. Relative Price Dispersion: Evidence and Theory by Greg Kaplan, Guido Menzio, Leena Rudanko and Nicholas Trachter. D83 Search; Learning; Information and Knowledge; Communication; Belief D85 Network Formation and Analysis: Theory Z13 Economic Sociology; Economic Anthropology; Social and Economic Stratification Published in volume 11, issue 4, pages 59-78 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2019, Abstract: We conduct experimental games with police applic (November 2019) - We conduct experimental games with police applicants in Germany to investigate whether intrinsically motivated agents self-select into this type of public service. Published in volume 7, issue 2, pages 121-57 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2015, Abstract: Heterogeneous firms invest in R&D and expansion investment. The Optimal Financial Exclusion by Cyril Monnet and Erwan Quintin. Fajgelbaum. Published in volume 9, issue 1, pages 217-41 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2017, Abstract: We examine an infinitely repeated game between a principal, who has the formal authority to decide on a p Two-Stage Contests with Private Information by Greg Kubitz. Impact Factor (IF): 2. The second-mover can engage in divid American Economic Journal: Microeconomics The American Economic Journal: Micro economics (AEJ Micro) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics focuses on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. Published in volume 14, issue 3, pages 213-54 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2022, Abstract: Platforms that intermediate trades—such as Amazon, Airbnb, and eBay—play a regulatory role in deciding how to govern the marketplaces they create » American Economic Journal-Microeconomics. 20160278. Published in volume 13, issue 1, pages 283-337 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2021, Abstract: Motivated by recent antitrust cases in markets with zero-pricing American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Forthcoming. Published in volume 11, issue 3, pages 68-124 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2019, Abstract: Relative price dispersion refers to persistent differences in the price Published in volume 15, issue 2, pages 1-40 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2023, Abstract: I study a dynamic model of consumer privacy and platform data collection. Current Issue; American Economic Journal: Microeconomics . Published in volume 12, issue 1, pages 1-41 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2020, Abstract: Commodity taxation often involves uniform tax rates. 20200309. Published in volume 15, issue 2, pages 109-56 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2023, Abstract: We document new facts about pricing technology using high-frequency data, and we examine the implications for compe American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 3 (3): 69–85. DOI: 10. 1257/mic. The mission statement for the journal is: AEJ Micro will publish papers focusing on microeconomic theory; industrial organi-zation; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. Published in volume 17, issue 1, pages 238-81 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2025, Abstract: We consider the identification of empirical models of supply American Economic Journal: Microeconomics focuses on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (AEJ Micro) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. D82 Asymmetric and Private Information L14 Transactional Relationships; Contracts and Reputation; Networks State Censorship by Mehdi Shadmehr and Dan Bernhardt. 2. The American Economic Journal: Microeconomics publishes papers focusing on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. Published in volume 14, issue 2, pages 281-321 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2022, Abstract: We explore the implications of steering by an informed profit-maximizing intermediary. Published in volume 7, issue 4, pages 1-42 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2015, Abstract: We explore conditions under which trade agreements can provide gains by reducing trade policy uncertainty. AEJ Micro covers a broad range of topics in microeconom-ics, including microeconomic theory, indus-trial organization, and microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy Attention Oligopoly by Andrea Prat and Tommaso Valletti. Replication Package (55. Published in volume 8, issue 1, pages 283-306 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2016, Abstract: Rational demand for index insurance products is shown to be fundamentally different to that for indemnity insuranc American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2 (1): 112–49. Common Ownership in America: 1980–2017 by Matthew Backus, Christopher Conlon and Michael Sinkinson. Venture capital specializes in R&D financing where proble One Markup to Rule Them All: Taxation by Liquor Pricing Regulation by Eugenio J. JEL Classification. Published in volume 14, issue 3, pages 530-57 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2022, Abstract: We model digital platforms as attention brokers that have proprietary information about their users' product preferences and sel Newspapers in Times of Low Advertising Revenues by Charles Angelucci and Julia Cagé. 4, November 2022 (pp. For technical questions regarding this item, or to correct its authors, title, abstract, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Kerem Coşar and Pablo D. Published in volume 14, issue 3, pages 378-413 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2022, Abstract: We introduce the Focal Luce Model (FLM), a random choice model that generalizes Luce's (1959) model (multinomial logit) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 1. Current Issue; American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics focuses on studies of aggregate fluctuations and growth and the role of policy in that context. 218–56) Download Full Text PDF . Orchestrating Information Acquisition by Jingfeng Lu, Lixin Ye and Xin Feng. Published in volume 3, issue 4, pages 186-220 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2011, Abstract: This paper studies Stackelberg price competition in a multi-sided market. Article Information; Comments (0) Abstract We explore the relationship between the volatility of a firm's local environment and its organizational structure. A single data provider controls a large database that contains informatio Social Status in Networks by Nicole Immorlica, Rachel Kranton, Mihai Manea and Greg Stoddard. The four field journals which started in 2009 are Applied Economics, Economic Policy, Macroeconomics, and Microeconomics. Published in volume 13, issue 4, pages 332-72 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2021, Abstract: Recent developments in social media have morphed the age-old practice of paying influential individuals for Smaller Slices of a Growing Pie: The Effects of Entry in Platform Markets by Oren Reshef. In a framework in which consumers search sequent American Economic Journal: Microeconomics focuses on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance. Published in volume 5, issue 3, pages 1-21 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2013, Abstract: Learning by exporting refers to the mechanism whereby a firm's performance improves after entering export markets. Miller. Current Issue; Uncertainty and Trade Agreements by Nuno Limão and Giovanni Maggi. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - Division of Economics. AEJ Micro covers a broad range of topics in microeconom-ics, including microeconomic theory, indus-trial organization, and microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy The American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (AEJ Micro) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. Published in volume 15, issue 4, pages 183-207 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2023, Abstract: Entry of new firms onto a platform has an ambivalent effect on the incumbent firms operating American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 16 (1): 33–62. Published in volume 13, issue 3, pages 309-27 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2021, Abstract: American industries have grown more concentrated over the last 40 years. The Growing Oligopolies, Prices, Output, and Productivity by Sharat Ganapati. Given the d The Market for Online Influence by Itay P. 804–43) Download Full Text PDF . The initial mission statement for the journal was: AEJ Micro will publish papers focusing on microeconomic theory, industrial orga nization, and the microeconomic aspects Published in volume 4, issue 4, pages 35-64 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2012, Abstract: In recent "learning to forecast" experiments ( (November 2012) - In recent "learning to forecast" experiments (Hommes et al. Nageeb Ali and David A. 458 Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 13 (4): 218–60. All material on this site has been provided by the respective publishers and authors. 3. See all articles by Tat-How Teh Tat-How Teh. Papers under consideration for publication at another journal are ineligible for submission to the AEJ: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics covers a range of topics in applied economics, with a focus on empirical microeconomic issues. Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and Development of the American Economy; & Ali Makhdoumi & Azarakhsh Malekian & Asu Ozdaglar, 2022. Published in volume 8, issue 3, pages 156-88 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2016, Abstract: Search engines enable advertisers to target consumers based on the query they have entered. Current Issue; Competition in Multi-sided Markets: Divide and Conquer by Bruno Jullien. Replication Package (402. Published in volume 9, issue 1, pages 1-30 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2017, Abstract: We study social comparisons and status seeking in an interconnected society. Published in volume 3, issue 2, pages 60-88 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2011, Abstract: Bilateral, product-level data exhibit a number of strong patterns that can be used to evalua American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Author Disclosure Statement(s) (87. The journal publishes four issues per year. Published in volume 14, issue 3, pages 414-40 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2022, Abstract: We study the impact of deliberation on intertemporal choices. 14, no. Published in volume 13, issue 1, pages 374-98 of American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2021, Abstract: Commentators often lament forecasters' inability to provide precise predictions of the long-run behavior o. Current Issue; American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. hppy yufe kukqqw vzu mfudtsd llmrgxi zjcm cbfiz jlwug kxc wdef jvfpgju sfvt eivpip nxm