House dayne old gods. Dayne Family Tree could be revealed in TWOW.
House dayne old gods It was narrated by Michelle Fairley as Catelyn Stark and Isaac Hempstead-Wright as Bran Stark, and written by Bryan Cogman. House Dayne - Blonde hair, fair eyes. "The Old Gods and the New"[3] is the third short of the first season of Histories & Lore. Crownlands House Velaryeon is ethnically valyrian House Crabb might be first men still. [3] I am fascinated by the history of House Dayne, one of the most ancient Houses in Westeros. The Dornish responded a year later by sending a host under Lord Fowler that seized and burned the great marcher castle of Nightsong and carried off its lords and defenders as hostages, whilst another army under Ser Joffrey Dayne marched to the very walls of Oldtown, razing the fields and villages outside it. House Dayne's behavior in the past 17 years is strange, they are the 3rd strongest house in all of Dorne but have refused to be in Dornish politics, we do not hear about a single Dayne child in the Water Gardens. Before that, the Old Gods were worshipped from Dorne to The Wall and even beyond. Watching and testing infinite possibilities, but finally they have decided to make their move. B Old Blood (1 C, 1 P) House Orthys (1 P) Q The only reference to the gods of Valyria I can find are in two of Daenerys' chapters in ACoK and ADwD: "Aegon's dragons were named for the gods of Old Valyria," she told her bloodriders one morning after a long night's journey. With the sword Dawn, the Daynes have the famed Sword of the Morning. One set of those The Torrentine is a river in Dorne that goes through Starfall (House Dayne's seat). Now, when this invasion happened is a matter of debate. Old Nan nodded. "They were cold things, dead things, that hated iron and fire and the touch of the Added a special decision to House Dayne to restore the old Kingdom of the Torrentine. He purposely made her death very mysterious, and we "Dawn is the fabled sword of House Dayne. Second of His Name; 4. Dayne, Royce, Yronwoods, Redfort, perhaps some of those on The Three Sisters, Wylde, check Crackclaw point "Winter is coming" is unique in that it is one of the only house words that dont boast of pride, wealth or long noble history. Moons of Ice and Fire Shadow Heart Mother Dawn of the Others Visenya Draconis The Long Night Was His to Rule R+L=J, A Recipe for One of the six kings Nymeria sent off to take the black was the Lord of Starfall. Wealthy and minimal. it's also the only house in the North that follows The Faith of The Seven rather than the old god, and it's clear that they have the nicest city in Westeros. House Dayne is descended from the First Men, and their bloodline is said to date as far back as ten thousand years. [1] He is mentioned in his son Arthur's entry in the Book of Brothers, which King Joffrey Baratheon was reading. Their sigil is a white sword and falling star crossed on lilac. Its blade is as pale as milkglass, unlike dark Valyrian steel, but is similar in strength and sharpness. Eddard Stark House Dayne[1] of Starfall This sub-category contains articles on all members of House Dayne. 1. Dayne's are classified as 'First Men' and if I'm not mistaken, all 'First Men' Even in the lands of House Stark, there are a few followers of the Faith of the Seven, often southern noblewomen who come to the north to secure marriage alliances. and the Starks. It was released on March 6, 2012 in Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season. The Rogue Prince; 3. I've a feeling it's something that George intends to publish in TWoW (since, well, he said that was the plan. Has the sword 'Pride'. We know House Dayne have been in Westeros for a very long time, but we don't know from where they came. I still do love the current story especially with the Ironborn and Dornish characters being introduced but when you consider how young the characters are and how GRRM has been stuck for so long I wish he would have just gone with the 5 years so we could The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) Greenseers & Greensight (A Song of Ice and Fire) Better Parent Alicent Hightower; House Dayne Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire) (149) Jon Snow (69) Ned Stark (59) Arthur Dayne (57) Ashara Dayne (45) The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics; Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics; Omega Aegon II Targaryen; Summary. The most famous sword in Westeros. 158), Old Gods of Valyria (A Song of Ice and Fire) The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) Magic; Blood Magic; Prophecy; Alternate History; The Starks Live; Jon Snow Has Purple Eyes; Jon Snow Has a Different Name; Jon Snow-centric; House Stark-centric; Summary. Legends state that a fallen star was tracked by the founder of House Dayne to the mouth of the Torrentine, at the site which would be later named Starfall. PainWelkin • House Dayne is fun if you have martial interests. Old. Alia Dayne (b. Dynasty legacy track: Added a dynasty legacy track to House Wyl. Share your custom banners / CoAs The following are the houses, and House words, I’m going to replace the rebels with: Jaqiarzir Power, progress, peace. I think it actually works in quite a few cool ways: The Sword of the Morning will save the world from darkness to bring about light ("dawn" brings the "light") . Many gods are worshipped The Faith and the old gods. Something up there. Their ancestral weapon is This sub-category contains articles on all members of House Dayne. It's not very important to know, because quite frankly everyone used to be Kings. The Old Gods - This is the least likely possibility, but it is also my favorite possibility. The 8000 years old dynasty of Winter Kings endured. Ayden Dayne expanded his realm so as to better prepare his kingdom for the threat. Westeros has old cadet branches (Karstarks) and very young ones (three of Rodrik Harlaw’s first cousins head their own branches). In my game now I started bleeding years and created the iron throne with house dayne. I guess currently, they are the only house left. Eddard Stark House Dayne[1] of Starfall "House Dayne"[3] is the thirteenth short of the sixth season of Histories & Lore. Haen* By hearth and sea House Dayne of Starfall is a noble house from Dorne sworn to House Martell. READ MORE. Also we get NO indication whatsoever of how old house Dayne and the sword Dawn really are, most likely 10k years old. the Blackwoods (and by extension the Brackens, though they don't worship the Old Gods), the Daynes, and the people of Crackclaw Point before it fell to ruin. During this time Dorne saw a revival in First men culture as Davos had made sure worshipers of the Old gods were no longer suppressed Well if the story is true, yes Dawn and House Dayne seemingly predates knights by many thousands of years, given House Dayne is supposedly 10,000 years old and Andal knights are only 6,000. The wife of a founder of a great house dying in such a stupid way is very embarrassing and in the beginning Jaehaerys Targaryen (Jon Snow), Archon of Valyria, God Emperor of Essos, Prince of Dragonstone, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Legions, Lord of Ice and Fire, The white wolf of the north, Breaker of Chains and King of the free. R. Now back to house Dayne. Dagareon Strength, skill, virtue. It was once the chief religion of Westeros, but has now been supplanted by the Faith of the Seven, which The wiki says in the entry of House Blackwood that they were one of the few houses below the Neck to worship the Old Gods. Their most prized possession is the sword Dawn, forged from a fallen star by the first Dayne during the Age of Heroes, and is as powerful as Valyrian Steel. House Dayne never really were excessive and yet they have the prestige of wealth. Cool. never had any evidence of the silver hair in the Dayne bloodline and when asked about it at a panel GRRM said that some old First Men houses have some slight strange valyrian traits like the purple eyes. crown_of_the_old_gods_description:0 "The Crown of House Dayne, a house from Dorne that is as ancient as can be in Westeros, claiming to have ruled their region for 10,000 years. And there, he raised his castle. House Stark has been the ruling force in the North for more than 8000 years and was responsible for building the Wall as well, which in the future became the checkpoint against the threat of the White INTRODUCTION. House Brax Your son Tytos has the sword 'Tranquility'. This in my opinion shows that the older Daynes are in on it. God_peanut • If possible, Reynes or Tarbeck. House of the Dragon: Season 2, Ep. -- If you accept that the Dayne's are descended from the Great Empire or are somehow related to Valyrians, and the Martell's are Rhoynar, then House Banefort Westerlands. Unlike other houses who have ancestral swords, House Dayne does not pass its sword from lord to heir. We Light the Way; 6. Edric Dayne, Lord Beric Dayne was a Lord of Starfall. Arthur carried the ancestral sword Dawn with him into battle, and was highly regarded as the deadliest swordsman of his time. In this Game of Thrones overhaul mod for Crusader Kings 2, we attempt to conquer Westeros (and perhaps the rest of the world) as House Dayne, beginning as Ge The Old Gods, also known as the Old Gods of the Forest, are numerous and nameless elemental deities of stream, forest, and stone in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. For the gods of Valyria, see: Old Gods of Valyria The Old Gods[1] are a pantheon of innumerate and unnamed spirits of nature, which are worshiped by many people of the North and small numbers elsewhere in Westeros. Another part of the challenge is marrying your children to houses of first men/old gods worship such as the Blackwoods, Redforts, Blackwoods, house ball, and northern houses Reply reply More replies More replies. Ever since then, the Faith of the Seven, the religion of the Andals, became the dominant religion in nearly all of Okay. . (branch of Velaryon) House Adam Muswhali Ahkwalee, the one true God of Westeros. They are amongst the oldest and most illustrious Houses of Dorne. Only the best Action Movies & Series; Animated Movies & Series; Comedy Movies & Series; Crime, Mystery, & Thriller Movies & Series; Documentary Movies & Series; Drama Movies & Series Family Tree. Known as warriors. It was a few months after the birth of his nephew when Athur made his choice. However, Martell's daughter, not Dayne's son, succeeded Nymeria as ruler of Dorne. Based on all that, in my opinion, Azor Ahai's descendants were - 40 Valyrian dragonlords, and the founders of Houses Hightower, Corbray, Dayne and Swann. her consort, {Ser Wallace Chester} (b. (branch of Dayne) House Seasnake. He wants the old gods on his side, the gods of the Starks and the First Men. Of all first men houses, they are the closest thing to ancient magic of anyone save the Starks. Azantys Conquered by none. Does not mean they worship the old gods and heart tree thing? (can Ashara Dayne be the Knight of Laughing tree?) And also if Tendrá que aprender a vivir en un mundo demasiado atrasado tanto tecnológicamente como en sociedad, al menos tuvo la suerte de que su nave chocara dentro del reino mas progresista de todo el continente, y ahora al ser conocida como Kara Martell "hija bastarda" legitimada del Príncipe Qoren Martell y su segunda esposa Allyria Dayne, tendrá When the Andals Invaded house Dayne watched in horror as Westeros spat on millenia of traditions and cowered to the invaders. ser harwin pleaded with the gods to let his dau House Dayne is said to be thousands of years old and most likely was present during the Long Night. He serves as the primary antagonist from her point of view and the Dorne storyline as a whole in A Feast for We don’t know how closely related Gerold Dayne and House Dayne of High Hermitage is to House Dayne of Starfall. Bro you just made me look up my Post history to see my old Custom house names but instead I've been scrolling through posts (a lot of which I didn't even remember) reminiscing my CK2AGOT days lol, thank you Since I can't think of any other explicitly Old God houses in the south besides the Blackwoods (and we do see a good bit of the Riverlands at least), it seems likely that if they're still around, many or most aren't still worshiping. The sword in the sigil depicts House Daynes ancient ancestral greatsword Dawn, said to be forged from the heart of a falling star. It is located at the mouth of the River Torentine, downriver from Blackmont and the High Hermitage House Dayne's origin is said to go back over 10,000 years, to the dawn of days! Their sigil is a Sword and a Falling Star on a lavender background. There's really very few south of the Neck, You are Ser Gerold Dayne, head of the cadet branch House Dayne of High Hermitage and known throughout the 7 kingdoms as Darkstar. This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total. At the mouth of the Torrentine, House Dayne raised its castle on an island where that roaring, tumultuous river broadens to meet the sea. The mythical Dawn [1] is possibly the oldest and most powerful "The old gods are still strong beyond the Wall. Something is up there. Better earlier than later. The gods of the First Men . Valyrian appearance. House Lydden Well, we can see at many magical elements in ASOIAF: the Children of the Forest and the old gods, something in the Wall that block the warning, the walls of Storm's End, the resurrections by the fire kisses Ser Gerold Dayne, also known as Darkstar, is a supporting antagonist in the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. In this week's House of the Week we will be discussing House Dayne. After the Andal invasion, there were a few, but now there's only one. A phrase that proudly asserts how the Old Gods and the Old Ways are still respected in their lands, despite the Andals’ work. The Usually to get events about a child becoming a Skinchanger or Greenseer they need to worship the Old Gods, but House Farwynd is exempt of that to an extent in that their children can be a Skinchanger with certain aquatic animals like whales. The coat of arms of House Dayne depicts the white sword and falling star. Beyond the Wall, however, the Old Gods are the only gods. The reason I think this is the "Thousand Worlds" books. The sigil of House They are the only southern house that follows the old gods. 135), Lady of Starfall, . Iron Islands: House Codd - Said to be incestuous and thieves, disliked by other houses. true. "In that darkness, the Others came for the first time," she said as her needles went click click click. " he decided, Nymeria smiled up at him and soon Arthur, Ashara, James along with her younger brother and sister as well as her mother joined them in meeting the new Dayne heir. The Stark words are a warning. 160),; their son: Lyonel (b. Your As a boy, even I dreamed sometimes of being not a Stark of Winterfell, but a Dayne of Starfall. The North still to this day follows the old gods except for House Manderly who continue to believe in their seven gods and followed the new gods. [1] The new Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Brienne of Tarth while flicking through the Book of Brothers, comes across Arthur Dawn is a greatsword. Subcategories. House also has a cool coat of arms. The castle is located in the far west of Dorne, near the border with the Reach and south of Blackmont. " It’s a first hint that Qhorin is concerned about something more perilous than wildlings. Skagosi should not be Beyond the Wall Old Gods Blackwood is considered a First Men house and they maintain the worship of the Old Gods Iron Islands House Harlaw seems to have adopted the seven in spite of the culture of the Iron Islands. Maegyr* Heaven's light in the darkness Vhassar* Deeds not words Vaeleros Offspring of gods. Wiki of Westeros. AFFC lists Darkstar’s as Edric’s cousin and Darkstar refers to himself as Arthur’s cousin, so 16K subscribers in the BannerlordBanners community. Ashara Dayne just has to be alive still, I think her death is so ambiguous and so has been all of grrms wording regarding her death in interviews. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 243 votes, 163 comments. > George provided us house words for the Daynes a few years ago, but he noted at that time that he wasn't particularly happy with it and would likely replace them if he came up with The Faith and the old gods. It was narrated by Robert Aramayo as Eddard Stark and written by Dave Hill. News and discussions relating to George R. After the overview of the history of House Dayne, let us turn our gaze to one of its most famous members: Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark (6) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (5) Robb Stark & Sansa Stark (5) Yep great idea on Ned Dayne. Was believed to have did ten years Note that House Dayne features typical Valyrian traits but claim to be an unrelated line. ) comment on reddit post: House Dayne's Crazy Rebellion Timeline, and a Possible Parentage Theory. It was a dark, primal place, three acres of old forest untouched for ten thousand years as the gloomy castle rose around it. Bonus points for playing as an Old Gods worshipper in honor of your First Men ancestors. House Dayne also stretches back to the dawn of days and the time of the First Men. The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) Summary. Starfall[1] is a castle in Dorne, the region controlled by House Martell of Sunspear, and the seat of House Dayne. It is the hundred and second short of the series overall. GRRM managed to add mystery and charm on everything that surround the Dayne family, making them very interesting and a fan favorite to House Dayne of Starfall is a noble house from Dorne and a vassal to House Martell. Dawn. Their seat is the Hightower, located in the city of Oldtown. to only giving Old Gods relgion opinion bonus. The old gods are nameless and numerous. Flavour for House Wyl of Wyl. # Old Gods Opinion +10 # Chance of Greenseer trait (Reflecting the myths surrounding Garth Greenhand being either the First Human of Westeros or the High The Old Gods have been patient. Bayasabhad the God-on-Earth Emperor and his Gemstone successors created the Children of the Forest to cultivate the forests of Planetos. Ashara Dayne (possible mother of Jon Snow) had dark hair and "haunting violet eyes". Though that also could be a chicken and the egg scenario, where the first "knights" (or nights?) actually were Daynes and the Andals copied their traditions To replace Ashara Dayne's DNA with this one: ( The Daynes just happen to be the one house that just happens to have Valyrian features). was an outpost for the dragon riding empire that came before valyria who all wielded The gods of Winterfell kept a different sort of wood. They were originally worshipped all throughout Westeros, until the following invasion of the Andals. Like most things with House Dayne Arthur's past is shrouded in mystery. It also speaks of a sort of “immovable” nature 1. Trueborn son of King Rhaegar Targaryen and Queen Lyanna Targaryen of house Stark. Sorry I was somehow lost here. e. "Yes, that sounds good. The only known house south of the neck to follow the Old Gods is House Blackwood, and the only extinct house that might have is House Durrandon. It is the third short of the series overall. Many people speculate that they were Valyrian or shared a Specifically, I am wondering about Houses Royce, Redfort, Gilwood, Dayne, Belmore, Coldwater, Shetts, and Yronwood, which are known to be descendants of the First House Dayne is a noble, First Man house situated between what can truly be called true Dorne and the Marchlands. Been sitting Elio Garcia has said GRRM has words for house Dayne but hasn't released them because he wasn't very happy with them and wanted to come up with something better. The situation of the bastard house and how the lord came to power may come into play, but here are a few ideas Names: Starfyre Danefyre Dawnfyre Blackstar Blackdawn Sigil: A black shooting star on a red field A purple dragon on a field of black A purple star above a . House Dayne Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire) (150) Jon Snow (69) Ned Stark (60) Arthur Dayne (57) Ashara Dayne (45) Oberyn Martell (41) Jaime Lannister (37) Robb Stark (32) Robert Baratheon (32) As a boy, even I dreamed sometimes of being not a Stark of Winterfell, but a Dayne of Starfall. It's up to you all to fill in the details about the house's history, notable members, conspiracy theories, questions, and more. As for the Dayne family as a whole, ser Arthur is one of the most loved characters by some, and Matters escalated, and more Dornish seats fell to dragonfire in 9 AC. Beric Dayne was the Lord of Starfall and the father of Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. Calling on a young Crannogman with the great potential, he is summoned to the Isle of Faces to witness what will become the creation of the most important song yet to be sung. Afterward, House Dayne joined House Martell in Martell's fight to subdue House Yronwood, and Nymeria took the Sword of the Morning as her third successive consort. Elio Garcia has said GRRM has words for house Dayne but hasn't released them because he wasn't very happy with them and wanted to come up with something better. Their words 3. His soul, as many times before, was placed in Thus House Swann, who are skinchangers and practitioners of dark arts, such as bloodmagic and shadowbinding, are descendants of Azor Ahai and his fifth wife - the tiger-woman. The Princess and the Queen; 7. This is confirmed when Ned Dayne reveals to Arya that Jon and Ned are Milk Brothers. The Old Gods; House Tully Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire) House Bracken Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire) Or the one in which the Old Gods have zero tact and Sansa is determined to keep the game of thrones from ruining her family or the North. . They rule from the castle of Starfall that's located on the river Torrentine. Q&A. House Hightower of the Hightower, also known as House Hightower of Oldtown,[2] is one of the most powerful of the noble houses in the Reach. Moat Cailin House Dayne, for example, dates back to when they found the sword Dawn, which was 2,000 years before the present, but GRRM seems to have retconned this News and discussions relating to George R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. King of the Narrow Sea; 5. The starks remember. Elio Garcia's comments: George's draft of the Dayne tree did indeed note Edric's mother, FWIW. 110) , styled Lord Wallace and wielder of the greatsword Dawn, murdered in his bed by his wife (d. That dynasty is the keeper of Dawn, a Valyrian steel sword that can The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) Greenseers & Greensight (A Song of Ice and Fire) Better Parent Alicent Hightower; House Dayne Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire) (148) Jon Snow (69) Ned Stark (59) Arthur Dayne (57) Ashara Dayne (45) A category for House Dayne. The huge greatsword has a blade as pale as milkglass, and a golden star decorating the hilt. 3 in dreams and twice in rememberance. It was released on November 15, 2016 in Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season. Legend has it that the Dornish founder of House Dayne followed a falling star to where it hit the ground. They were once minor kings, styling themselves as Kings of the Torrentine . He is a landed knight, the head of House Dayne of High Hermitage, a cadet branch of House Dayne of Starfall, and a former lover of Princess Arianne Martell. The Heirs of the Dragon; 2. Legend has it that the Dornish founder of House Dayne followed a fa gameofthrones; wildlings; the lady Annebeth When lady Annebeth passed delivering the baby Y/N . "Oh no my prince, may the gods have mercy on you if your 12 year old sister was to pester you, a mighty prince of the Torrentine, how History and Lore of House Dayne Asshai-by-the-Shadow The Great Empire of the Dawn Flight of the Bones. Driftmark Easily the most famous knight of House Dayne and one of the most famous knights to ever live. The Stark Kings of Winter, the Bolton Red Kings, the Barrow Kings of Barrowton, the Iron Kings of the Iron Islands, the Lannister Kings of the Rock, the Gardner Kings of the Reach House Stark of Winterfell are the main protagonists of the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. A fantastic story, I know, but House Dayne has a relic to prove it. House Jast In the Westerlands. they also don’t have any arranging marriages with neighbouring dornish lords, as is typical in Westeros, the only marriage we hear about is a betrothal to Beric Dondarion a Both houses sit at the mouth of a river on the south end of Westeros which is said to be a notoriously difficult and tricky coast to sail past so it would make sense they were founded as rest areas by great sea fairing people. The Daynes have a long history of knighthood, but more importantly is that we've been given zero indication that they do follow the Old Gods. I like it. 8: "The Queen Who Ever Was" is now streaming on Max. But past Dayne lords have been the Sword of the Evening. the sword) is from House Dayne and will slay the darkness to birth a new beginning/dawn ("light" brings the "dawn") This page is about the gods of the First Men. Start a Wiki Old Gods; Faith of the Seven; Drowned God; Lord of Light; Many-Faced God; Great Stallion; Great Shepherd; Ghiscari religion; Bearded Priests of House Darkstar. Driftmark For House Dayne they already have one legacy, but for the others "Since the Dawn of Days" (Based on the ancient pedigree of their house) +1 prestige per month and a +1 vassal limit. "Visenya's dragon was Vhagar, Rhaenys had Meraxes, and Aegon rode Balerion, the Black Dread. When the savior and champion of both the Old Gods and the Valyrian Gods failed to prevail against the army of the Night King - they look back and interfere. Lightbringer (i. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Starfall is the seat of House Dayne. Eledrar True and sure. Well, I care for neither one. > George provided us house words for the Daynes a few years ago, but he noted at that time that he wasn't particularly happy with it and would likely replace them if he came up with House Dayne: The Star in the Night. can anybody please throw some light? I read from Wiki that they are from First Men. Start a Wiki Sign In Old Gods; Faith of the Seven; Drowned God; Lord of Light; Many-Faced God; Great Stallion; Great Shepherd; Ghiscari religion; Bearded Priests of Norvos; Black Goat of Qohor; Groups. But in the Old Gods entry it says that they're the only. What if Misa Misa died because she was tracking the falling star with Azor Ahai and got a bit to close and got struck by the falling star. Dorne House Dayne is considered a First Men house, not Dornish. Affected dynasty legacy tracks are Royce, Shett, Manderly, Forrester, Reyne, Vikary, Dayne, Wyl and Yronwood. This sword is called 'Skullcleaver' and besides the great base stats that all valyrian steel swords have, it also has a bonus of 50% dread gain. Only since the invasion of the Andals has the faith of the Seven been present. A young Eddard Stark elaborates on the history of House Dayne, home to The New Gods didn't split from the Old, they're literally new to Westeros (Compared to the Old Gods, anyway). won independence, managed to get gold to rebuild Oldstones, died of old age, my son finally got that event which gave him a claim on Kingdom of "Edric Dayne" tested her husband. They are one of the most ancient families in Westeros, having a history that goes back 8,000 When the Andals Invaded house Dayne watched in horror as Westeros spat on millenia of traditions and cowered to the invaders. The Gods nor men will not stop me from taking that keep for my self and putting down that mutt of a cousin. What if the House Dayne words are also a warning? In the main ASOIAF series we hear Arthur Dayne speak 5 times. Per legend, it was forged from the heart of a fallen star, likely meteoric iron. They are becoming one of my favourites of the "second tier" Houses, House Dayne is still the coolest though. The free folk who live beyond the Wall believe that the gods are everywhere—in the rocks, streams, birds, and beasts—and that they take the deceased down into the earth and trees. I still think a 5 year gap would be too much but I think a 2-3 year gap would make sense. Dayne Family Tree could be revealed in TWOW. bvnjr trj jsgnfme dyd ovjuyhu ayd cbn ywht wftssj asdeih drinn mhsfpc jrwil gqvcuha rix