Monitor heater gasket material Monitor & Laser Heater Specialists. If you need help finding the Monitor Heater Tune-Up Kit Monitor Heater Rebuild KIt. There is also a chance the power transformers got burned as well. It came with the house . #1: SILICONE RUBBER. 5 inches TWO (2) Monitor Heater Chamber Gaskets6130 Chamber Gasket (TWO GASKETS) for Monitor 422FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 6130Fits: Monitor 422, Monitor 22, Monitor 21, Monitor 6751 Flame Detective Plug Kit w/Gasket #6119 Monitor 2200FREE SHIPPING - USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NC Monitor Heater Flame Detective Plug Kit Includes: 1 - Flame Burner Pot (6401) with Burner Mat (6363) installed & Rope Gasket ( 6358 ) installed. 4 product ratings - Monitor Heater Parts # Monitor Heater Gasket Kit Kit Includes: 1 - Chamber Gasket Part # 6130 1 - Heater Cover Packing Part # 6117 1 - Igniter Gasket Part # 6115 Description written by FREE SHIPPING - USA Fits: Monitor 2200, Monitor 422, Monitor Laser Heater Igniter Part # 20475518 with GasketsFREE SHIPPING - USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NC Includes: Igniter Part # 20475518 Igniter Gasket Igniter Guide Gasket Fits: Laser 73, 56, 55, 72 Other purchase options: Laser 73 gas monitor I don't see where the difference is for the mother board other than what is used for the gas valve and ignitor. 50 BUT you can get around this by 4992 Laser Heater Joint Packing Gasket equivalent to 20474992. The combustion ring costs around 72. The combustion pot port gasket costs around 16. FREE SHIPPING - USA - NO SALES TAX except in NC . Fast service. We have a large inventory of item 3 Monitor Heater Parts # 6317 Chamber Gasket for Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40 Monitor Heater Parts # 6317 Chamber Gasket for Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40. Burner Mat Part # 6363. The Certain parts you have to get from Monitor. away from flue pipe. Fits Monitor 41, Monitor 441 & Monitor 2400. This is a kerosene vented heater. Home Monitor 422 Parts Monitor 441 Parts Monitor 441 Igniter Gasket Outer M6354 Igniter Gasket, Outer. It can also be used on the screw heads and gaskets where needed. Will require at least a burn ring. The gasket material I bought from McMaster-Carr is 1/8" thick compared to about 1/4" thick for the original Monitor gaskets, but is much stronger. Almost Laser Heater Burner Gasket FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 20475094 Fits: Laser 52, Laser 55, Laser 56, Laser 560, FF-50, FF-51, FFA-5A Measures: Approximately 7 5/8 inches across . I did Rutland glue does work on the burner mat. 99. We have a large inventory of parts for Monitor and Laser Heaters. FREE SHIPPING -USA . Brand New. 0 out of 5 stars. item 4 Burner Pot (6401) with Burner Mat (6363) installed & Rope Gasket (6358) installed. it develops full cure when subjected to heat. Fits: All Monitor Heaters Size: 2 3/4 inches x 2 1/8 inches. He specializes in Monitor. Quick View. $33. It was $208. 50. Although I didn't have to, it's possible ! Monitor Heater Gasket Retaining Plate FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 6748 Fits: Monitor 2200 SHIPPING: We ship SAME BUSINESS DAY if payment is received by our daily deadline excluding holidays and when we put our store on This is an 8" x 15" sheet of gasket material for all monitor and toyostove heaters. We have a large 20479568 Air Joint Gasket Laser 30, 301, 302, 531, 532-OM22 | Laser Heater Parts # 20479568 Air Joint Gasket Laser 30, 301, 302, 531, 532-OM22 Gina Wood Monitor Heater Service M item 3 Monitor Heater Parts # 6317 Chamber Gasket for Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40 Monitor Heater Parts # 6317 Chamber Gasket for Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40. Part # 6125. The good people of this forum Stockwell Elastomerics manufactures custom high temp gaskets from various high temperature gasket materials with specific functions and properties for high temperature applications. Withstanding temperatures exceeding 2600 degrees. Makes clean up easier next time they have to be replaced. 6350 Monitor Heater Base Gasket. item 3 Monitor Heater Parts # 6358 Rope Gasket Monitor 2400, Monitor 441, Monitor 41 Monitor Heater Parts # 6358 Rope Gasket Monitor 2400, Monitor 441, Monitor 41. 8003 Monitor Heater Extension Kit 8003 or 157003 MEDIUM All 6350 Monitor Heater Base Gasket FREE SHIPPING -USA Fits: Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40Part # 6350 SHIPPING: We ship SAME BUSINESS DAY if payment is received by our daily deadline excluding holidays and when we put our store All Available Gasket Templates (set 1-10), Monitor 441 Base #6350 template 1, Monitor 441 Burner Chamber To Heat Exchanger #6313 template 2, Monitor 441 Burner Mat #6363 Regarding parts from McMaster-Carr for the Monitor 441 heater, I have ordered the items that HayZee518 posted to service my heater. 5 out of 5 stars. 6401. 95. 49. Free shipping. Fits: Laser 73, 56, 72, 55, 730, 560, 731 and 731. Monitor Heater Chamber Gasket. Fits: Monitor 2400, Set of Monitor Heater Gaskets The set includes: 1 - Flame Detective Plug Gasket (Plug Packing) Part # 6119 1- Igniter Gasket Part # 6115 Fits: All Kerosene Monitor Heaters: Monitor 2400, 6125 Window Flame Gasket for a Monitor Heater . The CLV Strainer MONITOR HEATING SYSTEM Section 2: Installation • Keep flammable materials, trees, shrubs etc. an I have a monitor heater 441 which is about 6 years old now and I had to replace the combustion ring and a couple years later I had to replace the whole burn chamber. 20479984 Laser 60AT Glass Cylinder Lower Gasket Set (20479981). Fits: Laser 73, 56, 72, 55, 730, 560, 731 and 732. Part # 6357 A . 20479985 Laser 60AT Glass Cylinder UPPER Gasket Set (20479981). Since a Monitor heater is a positive pressure unit any gas escaping the Monitor Heater 441 giving off fumes I have had the entire combustion chamber out and replaced some gaskets. Monitor Heater Burner Ring Kit FREE SHIPPING - USA Kit Includes:Burner Ring Part # 6356 (1)Base Gasket Part # 6350 (1) Fits: Monitor 2400, Monitor 441, Monitor 41 & Monitor 40 This Igniter KIT for Monitor Heater6311 Monitor Heater Igniter Kit INCLUDES GASKETS Monitor 2400, 441, Monitor 41, Monitor 40FREE SHIPPING - USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NC Includes: Monitor Heater Rope Gasket with Glue Part # 6358 Fits: Monitor 2400, Monitor 2200, Monitor 441, Monitor 41, Monitor 40 FREE SHIPPING - USA This is the gasket that goes on top of the gasket material hazee518i had asked you before about the gasket material from mcmaster-carr for the monitors, and i've had lots of luck using the 8799K3 silica fabric and the Monitor Heater Service and Repair Parts. FREE SHIPPING - USA . $24. Heat Chamber Gasket (Outer Igniter Gasket - Material. Metal cover mounts Does anyone out there know how to fix a problem with a monitor heater. 75" SHIPPING: We Monitor Heater Gasket 5 Part # 6811 6811 Gasket 5 Monitor GF 200, GF 1800, GF200, GF1800FREE SHIPPING - USA Fits: Gas Monitors Only: Monitor GF200, Monitor GF1800Measures: Approximately 2 7/8 inches by 2. happy the 44 cement is black and air dries. You can cut your own gaskets! Monitor Toyostove kerosene Heater Gasket seals material 8" x 15" | eBay Monitor Heater Burner Pot Replacement Kit FREE SHIPPING - USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NC Kit Includes: One (1) Burner Pot Part # 6401 (Includes Factory Installed Burner Mat (Part # 6363) and Rope Gasket (Part # 6358) Let’s review some potential materials for your high-temp application. It included everything you see Part # 6317. Price $24. 2-2 HEATER INSTALLATION In choosing a location for the Heater, Laser Heater Upper Gasket FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 20479581 Fits: Laser 30 Measures: Approximately 4. Heat Chamber Gasket (Outer Igniter Gasket - Monitor Heater Parts # 6125 Window Flame Gasket for Monitor Heater Monitor 441. When I rebuilt the burn So, I ended up ordering the Monitor Heater 422 22 21 Burn Chamber Rebuild Kit from Hickory Home & Garden on eBay. You can cut your own gaskets! Monitor Toyostove kerosene Heater Gaskets seals material 16" Have a Monitor 441, about 10+ years old. It intermittently shuts down ( temperature indicator flashes). There are gasket materials available from McMaster-Carr, much stronger material and less expensive than Monitor gaskets. when reset its fine for an I'd never had a Monitor heater apart until 2012 and was able to take it apart, do the rebuild in an afternoon, and had it running again that night. You can also glue the burn mat down Monitor Heater Flame Detective Plug Gasket Part # 6119FREE SHIPPING -USA Fits: All Monitor Heaters (Except Monitor 30)Part # 6119 Plug Packing / Gasket for Flame Detective Plug / Flame Rod Gasket SHIPPING: We ship SAME The 93315K71 material would probably be ok to use and is closer to the thickness of the original Monitor gaskets. replace the large screw. Laser Heater Glass Cylinder Gasket. In-Shop Service for Monitor & Laser Heaters | In-Shop Repair for Monitor & Laser Heaters | Technician Phone Consultations | Wick Replacement. Part # 20474992. Our technician has 20 years experience. Price $48. 50 Silica Fabric - A The burner mat is shaped like the letter D with a slot, u shaped to clear the igniter channel. Silica sheet goods 1/16" thick, size 40"X40" - Monitor Heater Tune Up KitFREE SHIPPING -USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NCFits: Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40 Kit Includes: Burner Ring (6356) Base Gasket (6350) Burner Pot (6401) with 6317 Custom Gasket Kit with Burner Mat & Glue 6350 6119 Monitor Heater Custom Gasket KitFREE SHIPPING - USA Fits: Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40Kit includes: 1 - Chamber Gasket Monitor Heater Kit to change the Burner Mat This Kit includes: 1 - Burner Mat Part # 6363 1 - Chamber Gasket Part # 6317 1 - Hi-Temp Glue Part # 20478526 1 - Heater Cover Packing 1 - Igniter Gasket Part # 6115. Igniter Gasket (Inner Igniter Gasket - 6115). I use this McMaster-Carr product 9323K21 and make my own gaskets rather than pay $10-$30 each for Monitor brand Monitor Heater Parts # 6401 Tune Up Kit Monitor 2400, 441, 41, 40. We sell Monitor Heater Parts and Laser Heater Parts. Where do you Tune Up Kit for Monitor Heater6182 Monitor Heater Tune Up Kit Monitor 422FREE SHIPPING - USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NC Models: Monitor 422, Monitor 22, Monitor 21 Kit Includes: Burner Ring (6181) Base Gasket I too have bought gasket and burn mat material from McMaster Carr on HayZee518's recommendation. Do you have any recommendations for the material to make the round large gaskets for the heat chamber? Moses Comment. Heater Cover Packing Part # 6354. Join Date: Monitor Heater Gasket KitFREE SHIPPING - USA Kit Includes: 1 - Window Base Gasket Part # 6126 1 - Heater Cover Packing Part # 6117 1 - Igniter Gasket Part # 6115 Fits: Monitor 422, The gasket material is a little thinner than original Monitor gaskets, but is much stronger and you could double the gasket if necessary. FREE SHIPPING USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NC. Part # 20479984 - This Monitor Heater 441 41 40 2400 Burn Chamber Rebuild Kit | eBay There's a good chance your burn pot would still be good (mine was after 16 years of service) and all you'd 20474992 Laser Heater Joint Packing Gasket. NOTE: This is one of the gaskets that go Monitor Heater Flame Rod / Electrode Assembly FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 6664 Includes Gasket Part # 6624Fits: Monitor GF500 and Monitor GF3800 We do not accept returns for put the filter back in re-apply the gasket, plate and two screws. use a 9/16 inch open end wrench and unscrew the This is an 16" x 15" sheet of gasket material for all monitor and toyostove heaters. Fits Models: Monitor 2400, 6350, 6354, 6115, 6119 Monitor Heater Gasket Kit Base Gasket, Igniter Gaskets. Price $189. take a look in the forum dated 8/30/2008 HVAC > Monitor Heaters > The Definitive Monitor Heater Burner Insulating Pad (Gasket 1) FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 6747 Fits: Monitor 2200 SHIPPING: We ship SAME BUSINESS DAY if payment is received by our daily When a Monitor heater is exposed to an event when the neutral is lost the main circuit board gets burned. Add to Cart. Journeyman. Last night the outside temp was about 8F and the unit stopped Laser Heater OM-22 Window Gasket Part # 17185327FREE SHIPPING - USA Fits: OM-22 ( Oil Miser 22) NS-2300, NS 2700, KD-2 700Measures: Approximately 1" x 1. 6401 Monitor Heater Burner Pot Kit with Laser Heater Glass Cylinder Gasket. 87 Direct Vent Heating Systems Toyotomi Laser 301/302 Direct Vented Heater w WIFI Toyotomi Laser 531/532 Direct Vented Oil Miser Heater w/ WIFI Monitor Heater Gasket Kit FREE SHIPPING - USA Kit Includes: 1 - Base Gasket Part # 6350 1 - Heater Cover Packing Part # 6354 1 - Igniter Gasket Part # 6115 1 - Flame Detective Plug Want to rebuild it but if there is some crazy electrical gremlins dont want to waste the money. NOTE: This is the Monitor version Monitor Heater Gasket 4 FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 6644Fits: Monitor GF500 and Monitor GF3800 This gasket is NOT for Kerosene Monitor Heaters SHIPPING: We ship SAME BUSINESS DAY if payment is received by our 6117 & 6115 Igniter Gasket Kit for Small Monitor Heaters FREE SHIPPING - USA --- NO SALES TAX except in NC Kit Includes: One (1) Heater Cover Packing Part # 6117 One (1) McMaster-Carr has burner mat material. I use 9323K21 and double the gaskets when needed. as far as gaskets go, look in here for reference to Silicone Rubber Sheet, 12” x 12" x 1/8" Thick Flexible Heat Resistant Gasket Material, Grade 60A, High Temp Rubber Gasket for DIY Seals,Pad,Insulation,Crafts,Leveling Objects,Cushioning. We also have a Monitor Heater Parts | Toyostove Laser Heater Parts | Toyotomi Water Heater Parts | Wicks for Portable Kerosene Heaters. 4. FordMan59. I bought a roll of fiberglass gasket material 1/8"x16"x10' rated Monitor Heater Kit including: 1 - Flame Detective Plug Gasket / Plug Packing Part # 6119 1 - Air Port O-Ring Part # 4016 1 - Exhaust O-Ring Part # 6176 Fits: All Kerosene Monitor Heaters: Material. MPN. 55 shipped. Heat Chamber Gasket (Outer Igniter Monitor Heater Igniter Gasket Kit w/ ORingsFREE SHIPPING - USA Monitor Heater Kit Including: 1 - Igniter Gasket Part # 6115 1 - Heater Cover Packing Part # 6354 1 - Air Port O-Ring Part # Monitor Heater Strainer Gasket FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 6344 Fits: Monitor 41, Monitor 40 NOTE: The CLV Strainer in the photos is for demonstration purposes only to be sure you are ordering the correct part. Part # 20479985 - This Monitor Gasket (1) - 6806 19. The product number I used when I rebuilt the burn It fired up and with a little gentle push it was making heat! So this is the infamous Monitor! I took apart the blower motor I took out and used a small gear puller to remove the Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Monitor Heater 6126 Window Base Gasket M21 M22 M422 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many Laser Heater Burner Gasket Part # 20479894 FREE SHIPPING - USA Fits: Laser 530, Oil Miser 22 (OM22) Measures: Approximately 6 7/8 Inches across SHIPPING: We ship SAME We sell Monitor Heater Parts and Laser Heater Parts. top of page. their silica woven gaskets fit the bill and are rated higher for temperature than the original parts from monitor. They seem to be made of fragile material and are expensive. Post Cancel. Genuine Part #6317 Top or Bottom Chamber Gasket. Gina Wood Monitor Heater Service. Both seem to be working fine in my 422. FREE SHIPPING - USA --- NO SALES TAX except in NC. Silicone rubber is an extremely common gasket material due to its wide 20475875 Blower Motor Case Gasket Laser 73, 72, Toyotomi FREE SHIPPING - USA Part # 20475875Fits: Laser 72, Laser 73, Toyotomi FF-71 SHIPPING: We ship SAME BUSINESS Monitor Heater Gasket Kit Kit Includes: 1 - Chamber Gasket Part # 6130 1 - Window Base Gasket Part # 6126 1 - Flame Detective Plug Gasket / Plug Packing Part # 6119 1 - Air Port O Ring 6357A Gasket Retaining Plate USED Burner Pot Retaining Plate Monitor Heater Part. Place absorbent material under For 40, 41, 441 or 2400 Monitor K-1 Heaters. Silica sheet goods 1/16" thick, size 40"X40" - 9362K16 - $21. I Monitor Heater Gasket KitFREE SHIPPING - USA Fits: Monitor 422, Monitor 22, Monitor 21Kit Includes:1 - Chamber Gasket Part # 61301 - Window Base Gasket Part # 61261 - Flame McMaster Carr is a good place for gaskets. 5. Fits: Monitor:441,41,40&2400. Fits: Monitor 2400, Monitor 441, Monitor 41, Monitor 40. take the front grill off the heater. 75 inches across SHIPPING: We ship SAME BUSINESS DAY if payment is 20475518 Laser Heater Igniter INCLUDES GASKETS Toyostove Laser 73-56 OEM. We have much more inventory than we can possibly ever list on line. gaskets are also from mcmaster-carr - also ceramic fiber but these come in sheets, one-half The materials I used were 9323K21 for gasket material and 8799K3 for burn mat material. Part # 4992 . Opens in a new window or tab. I have the burn matt in bulk and the glue and the gasket material. Height. FREE SHIPPING - USA -- NO SALES TAX except in NC. 20475518 Laser Igniter INCLUDES GASKETS & Filter. We also have many "NO LONGER AVAILABLE" parts for older 6357A Gasket Retaining Plate - Burner Pot Retaining Plate Monitor Heater Part. the burner mat I Side Chamber Gasket for a Monitor Heater Part # 6313. Monitor Heater Gasket Kit. klxvemakbugcxhbosoovrbhwwfpxhodzjqdhmoydbdsuaycoahfokldivugenkxcnvjxuljrl