Pandas str contains multiple strings. Provide details and share your research! But avoid ….
Pandas str contains multiple strings Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. pandas dataframe str. This will only work if you want to compare exact strings. flags int, default 0 df[df[" team "]. data3 = data[~data. In other words, . Viewed 51k times 6 . contains("foo", regex=False)| blah. How to extract rows that meet the conditi Feb 24, 2025 · In this article, we explored how to check if a string in a pandas DataFrame contains multiple substrings. values Check if String in List of Strings is in Pandas DataFrame Column. HolidayName str. contains(ex) 0 False 1 False 2 False 3 False 4 False 5 False I would have expected a value of True for index 5. Instead, use. contains('A') & strings. False if team contains neither “Good” nor “East” Note: The | operator stands for “or” in pandas. The I want to subset the DataFrame - the condition being that rows are dropped if a string in column2 contains one of multiple values. How to check if a value exist in other pandas columns which contains several values separated by comma. It only works in this specific order, but I would like to have it working in all orders (e. contains('Pie', na=False, case=False)] Problem. iloc[5] equals True somehow '. That said, str. I'm trying to find all rows that contain both strings in any combination of columns---in this case, rows 2 and 4. I want to exclude specific recipes that have the keyword within the string. I have a pandas series in which I am applying string search this way. (with multiple strings) in pandas dataframe that contain only a given string. contains('A. contains (r" my_string", na= False) for col in df]) #filter for rows where any column contains 'my_string' df. join on a list of words to create a regex pattern which matches any of the words (at least one) Then you can use the pandas. I want to search the 'Names' column in df using strings in the list and store the result in a separate dataframe (df2). contains(needle2, case=False), col] = replace Search string in multiple columns Pandas . contains() method to create a boolean mask string_a == string_b It should return True if the two strings are equal. contains() a method in Pandas to filter a DataFrame based on substring criteria within a specific column. contains. = np. Obviously, I could iterate over a list but I'm wondering if there is Unfortunately Pandas does not currently have a built-in function for merging on a custom function like string contains – Shimon S. Normally I would use the str. contains('test1') This gives me true/false list depending on string 'test1' is contained in column 'column_name' or not. count I have tried this but no good. notnull(df and so on. fullmatch won't work because it can only look for exact strings, and these are long sentences df. contains('abc', case=False)] which will give me the results for c_name. To check every column, you could use for col in df to iterate through the column names, and then If there is any chance that you will need to search for empty strings, a['Names']. To filter a DataFrame by multiple string values in a column, we can After going through the comments of the accepted answer of extracting the string, this approach can also be tried. Therefore, there are two options - Use r prefix; df. Ask Question Asked 8 years ago. For Example: Adding solution to a common variation when the slice width varies across DataFrame Rows: #--Here i am extracting the ID part from the Email (i. apply(set('AB'). I have succeeded with looking up one key word in one column. contains() is vectorized – It applies across entire Series/columns ; in works on single strings ; str. findall('|'. Is there a way to check a pandas string column for "does the string in this column contain any of the substrings in the following list" ['LIMITED', 'INC', 'CORP']. str. contains('word1 | word2'), case=False) But this only gives me A) results for one column, and B) a True if the column has one word. len. contains('|'. IGNORECASE, regex=True) To obtain the binary vector I multiply the v_binary*s: v_binary*s [Out] 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 0 4 1 Share. contains('damage') creating_damage_df = df. loc[df[col]. Selecting rows from a dataframe using a list of values. Filtering by Multiple Strings. Edit 2: You should use len(df1. contains' didn't work for me but when I tried with '. 2. the part before @) #--First finding the position of @ in Email d['pos'] = d['Email']. df[df['title']. len() df['B'] 0 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 3 Name: A, dtype: int64 If you have large strings and a lot of substrings, you may want to look at using the Aho-Corasick algorithm. 0. frame = pd. xlsx","Pri") public = pd. contains('christmas')) | (df. We can use the following syntax to check if each string in the team column contains the substring “Good” and “East”: s=v. contains but can't figure out how to combine them to achieve what i want. contains() a method in Pandas to filter a DataFrame based on substring criteria within a specific fruit_resulst = df['all_fruit']. contains, where you can pass multiple values itself using regex pattern OR (|). What I did so far is importing the file as df = pd. column_stack ([df[col]. contains(needle, case=False) & df[col]. . Improve this answer. contains(" internet | program | socket programming ", case=False) Out[251]: 0 False 1 True 2 False 3 True Name: txt, dtype: bool Pandas: How to Use startswith in query() Method; Pandas: Filter by Column Not Equal to Specific Values; Pandas: How to Use LIKE inside query() Pandas: How to Select Columns Containing a Specific String; Pandas: How to Add String to Each Value in Column; Pandas: How to Remove Specific Characters from Strings I have two Pandas dataframes, one contains keyword pairs and the other contains titles. vectorize(), DataFrame. index) instead of len(df1. 6. contains("foo")] But let's say I wanted to drop all rows in which the strings in column2 contained 'cat' or 'foo'. where(df['test_string_1']. contains('Rajini|God|Thalaivar',case=False),1, 0) Can you help me with how can we do this across both the columns? To solve this I started with df[df['c_name']. account. contains filter for multiple columns Here is a small demo: In [250]: df Out[250]: txt 0 Internet 1 There is no Internet in this apartment 2 Program2 3 I am learning socket programming too In [251]: df. isin works column-wise and is available for all data types. contains method in Pandas to check whether each row in my dataframe contains at least one word from my list_word. contains: Pandas str. So yeah protip: make sure to set the column type in read_csv() or afterwards do something like df = df. loc[df['sport']. contains() Method with AND operation. DataFrame: >>> df id value 0 5401 2003 | 5411 1 5582 2003 2 9991 62003 3 7440 1428 | 2003 4 7440 1428 | 2018 5 7440 2004 | 2002 pandas. It will not work in case you want to check if the column string contains any of the strings in the list. g. I want to split each CSV field and create a new row per entry (assume that CSV are clean and need only be split on ','). str. keys(): column_filters[k] = '|'. For this purpose, we will first create a DataFrame with a column containing some strings and then we will use contains() method with this column of DataFrame. contains('B How to create a new column in pandas and set its values according to whether a second column includes a string from various lists of strings 0 Create a new column in pandas, using the multiple exact string matches with str. contains('hello', case=False)),'SomeSeries'] = 'SomeUpdate' But I might want to update when my series contains 'hello' or 'bicycle' or 'monday', etc. Map column if string contain values from other column in Pandas. column. contains("^") matches the beginning of any string. If 'true', write something in column 'result'. apply(lambda x: x['Email'][0:x['pos']],axis=1) #--Imagine x['Email'] as a How to find multiple strings with str. And also using numpy methods np. conatins(name)] Reply reply Shrevel Please suggest how can i achieve string contains on a column in spark dataframe, In pandas i used to do df1 = df[df['col1']. pandas "intelligently" converted this to NaN and started complaining when I tried to do df. contains(fruit) # Check if column contains fruit df_new = df[fruit_resulst] # Filter so that we only keep the TRUEs This works, but not completely. loc[df. DataFrame({'a' : ['the cat is blue', 'the sky is green', 'the dog is black']}) frame a 0 the cat is blue 1 the sky is green 2 the dog is black I would like to go through all the columns in a dataframe and rename (or map) columns if they contain certain strings. contains or not contains. I've tried str. contains method expects a regex pattern (by default), not a literal string. Modified 10 %timeit strings. Initial DataFrame borrowed from @Daniel , Where i'm looking for three distinct values ie 2003 , 2004 and 2018. , if a column row contains ALL items from the list, then I would like A KISS solution would involve str. Modified The following line works for one word and with the OR condition. Edit 3: After reading your second post, I've understood your problem. contains but, test. contains('Soup', na=False, case=False)] df[df['title']. loc [] method and specify the desired substring in the filter criteria using the . substr = ('dog', 'bird', 'cat') df['B'] = df['A']. 0 True 1 True 2 True 3 True 4 False 5 True 6 True dtype: bool. issubset) # 10000 loops, best of 3: 102 µs per loop %timeit strings. csv), and then I put all the strings to lowercases with df['Key'] = df['Key']. isin checks if each value in the column is contained in a list of arbitrary values. I need to filter out rows which don't contain 'DDD' in all Just another example itself with str. df. Return boolean Series or Index based on whether a given pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series or Index. Roughly equivalent to substring in large_string. You need to remove the brackets and replace and with &. But no luck so far. Example below. contains() when you need performance on Pandas objects; Use Python‘s in for quick ad-hoc substring checks; Conclusion You can see that the rows with values dev and web dev were updated to developer. count# Series. join(substr)). Replace elements of a pandas series with a list containing a single string. DataFrame. contains (" A|B ")] team conference points 0 A East 11 1 A East 8 2 A East 10 3 B West 6 4 B West 6 Only the rows where the team column contains ‘A’ or ‘B’ are kept. My code works if I have one condition df. contains('') will NOT work, as it will always return True. contains() method. I would like to assign a new column to df such that it contains the word in W that it matched. unstack(). contains() or str. For example: rename all columns that contain 'agriculture' with the string 'agri' I'm thinking about using rename and str. Follow Filter for strings in Pandas series. No splitting required. any (axis= 1)] The following example shows how to use this syntax in practice. contains works element I have a dataframe containing many rows of strings: btb['Title']. contains () Feb 25, 2025 · The str. pandas dataframe merge based on str. I've been trying to use str. col_name. contains, containing all the given characters. The first example that came to mind was excluding 'pancake' from the Cake category. if '' in a["Names"]. where(pandas. Example: Search for String in All Columns of Pandas DataFrame In conclusion, the Pandas library provides a simple and efficient way to check if multiple strings contain a specific substring or pattern using the str. contains in pandas. By applying this method to each element in a column using the apply() method, we can easily create new columns containing Boolean values indicating the presence or absence of I have two dataframe that I would like to merge based on if column value from df2 contains column value from df1. loc[(df['Message']. But to me this doesn't seem very elegant. Adding further, if you want to look at the entire dataframe and remove those rows which has the specific word (or set of words) just use the loop below print(result) Output. match() In a pandas dataframe, I want to search row by row for multiple string values. contains¶ Series. contains(name) | df[col2]. read_csv(sample. 4. Since every string has a beginning, everything matches. full_path. findall + str. Roughly equivalent to value in [value1, value2]. query() methods. df2 = df1['company_name']. isin' as mentioned by @kenan in the answer (How to drop rows from pandas data frame that contains a particular string in a particular column?) it works. loc [mask. Return boolean Series or Index based on whether a given pattern or regex is In this example, we filtered the DataFrame by the string value “Los Angeles” in the “City” column using the str. For example, given the df. Example 3: Filter Rows that Contain a Partial String #define filter mask = np. Titles may contain multiple keyword pairs, and multiple keyword pairs can be in each title. contains(name), 'Ranks']. df['column_name']. contains("\^") to match the literal ^ character. isin. contains("break")] #Find strings with the word break tweets_text[tweets_text. Pandas dataframe str. Modified 8 years ago. Mapping dictionary to partial string match in dataframe. I found the pandas. Therefore str. join(info))] however the output for df2 (in the spyder variable explorer) was either an empty dataframe or only one of the results was returned. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. groupby([df['GridCode'],df['Key']]). contains() method takes a pattern as a parameter and checks if the supplied pattern or regex is contained within a string. 1. contains('xmas')) | (df. However I am not able to test two strings where I need to check if both strings are there or not. xlsx","Pub") private["ISH"] = private. To check if any of a list of strings exist in rows of a column, join them with a | separator and call str. pandas. contains (pat, case=True, flags=0, na=nan, regex=True) [source] ¶ Test if pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series or Index. match won't work because it will pickup 'notified'. cat() method for more flexibility and control over string concatenation. Is there a way to do this? Example of keyword pair df: Using lambda conditional and pandas str. Pandas check which substring is in column of strings. contains function in Python to search for a 'keyword' within a column. Basically I am using the fast, vectorized str. find(), np. This function is used to count the number of times a particular regex pattern is repeated in each of the string elements of the Series. contains to mask the rows that contain 'ball' and then overwrite with the new value: In [71]: df. replace(i, value) return series How to add a new string element to the Series of strings. join. Key Points – Use the str. e. I want to left join the titles dataframe to the keyword pairs data frame, if the title contains the keyword pair. For multiple strings, use "|". I have a reference list of keywords and need to delete every row in df1 containing any word from the Mar 27, 2024 · Use the str. caseignore("apple", na=False) is there such a function anywhere? python; pandas; dataframe; case-sensitive; Share. The Series. Indeed, len(df1. contains(r"\bis\b|\bsmall\b", case=False) (Or) Escape the \ I have been trying this creating multiple dataframes to create multiple strings, but I am not able to remove strings more than 2 only thing is i wanted multiple strings to be removed. contains to lump strings. Pandas Using String Contains to match values in 2 dataframes. fillna(0) and the resulting DataFrame is: I have the below code import pandas as pd private = pd. contains (pat, case = True, flags = 0, na = None, regex = True) [source] # Test if pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series Jul 30, 2023 · This article explains how to extract rows that contain specific strings from a pandas. Pandas provides the str. I have 10 columns with 100000 rows and 4 letter strings. searching substring for match in dataframe. list_words='foo ber haa' df = pd. contains("break|social|media")] #Find strings Function to replace multiple values in pandas Series: def replace_values(series, to_replace, value): for i in to_replace: series = series. Hello, I have a large CSV file, and I'm trying to filter out the rows with my name in it, in multiple columns. contains('anystring_to_match')] apache-spark Over here I had a situation where a was populated from a CSV, and the a column contained the string "nan". Parameters: pat str. Phone number 12399422/930201021 5451354;546325642 789888744,656313214 123456654 I would like to separate it into two columns The concatenation of strings is combining multiple strings into a single string. loc[(df. Series. item_name. For example, Jan 16, 2025 · I am parsing a pandas dataframe df1 containing string object rows. Pandas dataframe contains then replace dictionary. contains (pat, case = True, flags = 0, na = None, regex = True) [source] # Test if pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series or Index. Example of checking if a string in a pandas DataFrame contains multiple substrings 2. contains() AND operation. The right way to compare with a list would be : searchfor = ['john', 'doe'] df = df[~df. contains("remove words")] data3 = data3[~data3. Right now, my code looks like this: Sep 20, 2024 · pandas. Although many would argue that pancake is a cake, I am not Check if pandas string column contains multiple words, in any order. Example 2: Check if String Contains Several Substrings. I used: df2 = df. char. contains Won't work because it picks up 6: 'text 6 homer' as it contains 'home' (the real case its even worse because with abbreviations there is stuff like 'ho', for example. Follow Using Pandas str. r/excel If the number of substrings is small, it may be faster to search for one at a time, because you can pass the regex=False argument to contains, which speeds it up. And the str. This is easy enough for a single value, in this instance 'foo': df = df[~df['column2']. contains() method creates a boolean mask, where each element in the specified column is Feb 5, 2023 · To filter the DataFrame using a substring in the “Address” column, you can use the . '. Improve this question. Suppose we are given a dataset that contains information about products sold by an online store. This method allows for specifying a pandas. lower(). Instead use str. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I have a df column which contains. Modified 4 years, 1 month ago. I would like to identify whether each string contains positive, negative or neutral keywords. contains('ball'), 'sport'] = 'ball sport' df Out[71]: name sport 0 Bob tennis 1 Jane ball sport 2 Alice ball sport Replace Whole String if it contains substring in pandas dataframe, but with a list of values I'd convert the dict values into a regex pattern by joining all strings with '|', you can then use str. contains using Case insensitive. DataFrame({'A' : ['foo foor', 'bar bar', 'foo hoo', 'bar haa', 'foo bar', 'bar bur', 'foo fer', 'foo for']}) df Out[113]: A 0 foo foor 1 bar bar 2 foo hoo 3 bar haa 4 foo bar 5 bar bur 6 foo fer 7 foo When an ‘r’ or ‘R’ prefix is present, a character following a backslash is included in the string without change, and all backslashes are left in the string. how to map a column that contains multiple strings according to a dictionary in pandas. Example import pandas as pd # create a pandas Series Feb 24, 2025 · The result is a DataFrame that only contains the rows where both substrings are present in the string. Domain Visits aaa 1 bbb 3 ddd 5 df2. Add a comment | How to merge strings pandas df. Something like great, your suggestion works: df. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 1 month ago. contains() method in Pandas is used to test if a pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series. DataFrame, accounting for exact, partial, forward, and backward matches. contains(pattern, flags=re. contains() method with regex=True is used to apply this pattern to each element in the data Series. *A') # 10000 loops, best of 3: 149 µs per loop %timeit strings. By using the methods “contains” and “&” and “|” operators, we Nov 12, 2023 · The str. size() then unstack and fill: d = g. df1. At first I thought the problem might be with the path strings not actually matching due to differences with the escape character, but: ex in test. contains() function in Pandas, to search for two partial strings at once. contains('creating') damage = df. Commented Jan 30, 2023 at 9:51. txt. a. contains method to filter by string: df[df['col1']. join(column_filters[k]) column_filters Out[50]: {'COLUMN_1': 'drum|gui', 'COLUMN_2': 'sta|kic'} Pandas - . More posts you may like r/excel. contains checks if arbitrary values are contained in each value in the column. contains(needle, case=False)==True] Which is a list with a series in the first index rather than a series. contains(). find('@') #--Using position to slice Email using a lambda function d['new_var'] = d. Trying to learn some stuff, I'm messing around with the global shark attack database on Kaggle and I'm trying to find the best way to lump strings using a lambda function and str. count (pat, flags = 0) [source] # Count occurrences of pattern in each string of the Series/Index. But this does not solve your issue. I'm new to python and especially to pandas so I don't really know what I'm doing. contains() method in Pandas allows us to easily check if a substring or regex pattern exists within the string values of a Series or DataFrame column. iloc[0] Th I am trying to use the str. Filtering pandas data frame based on different entries in a column (list of comma-separated strings) Hot Network Questions The issue is in the else block in locreplace [df[col]. I have a df with some arbitrary text and a list of words W. . In the above example, the regex pattern [0-9abcABC] looks for any character that is either a digit from 0 to 9 or one of the letters a, b, or c in either upper or lower case. However, what I would need is the Using "or" in pandas dataframe to search for strings. I want to search a given column in a dataframe for data that contains either "nt" or "nv". contains# Series. Feb 5, 2025 · I'm wondering if there is a more efficient way to use the str. Pandas multiple filter str. T dog dog and meerkat cat I have a pandas dataframe in which one column of text strings contains comma-separated values. The first thing I tried is groupby by GridCode and Key with: g = df. 1 Creating a pandas DataFrame for the example. read_excel("file. In the context of a Pandas DataFrame, it often refers to merging text from different columns into a new, single column. tweets_text[tweets_text. columns). Replace dataframe columns values with string if value contains case insensitive string. If the row contains a string value then the function will add/print for that row, into an empty column at the end of the df 1 or 0 based upon There have been multiple tutorials on how to select rows of a Pandas DataFrame that match a (partial) string. contains('gift'))] thanks @RichieV – Jan Meijer. contains(name)] you can use the binary or operator | to string multiple statements: df[df[col1]. *B|B. loc[df['Names']. contains() has more options like regex; in is simpler and more intuitive for one-off checks; So in summary: Use str. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company str. Valid regular expression. join(searchfor))] You can use str. loc[creating & damage] Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Select rows from a DataFrame based on string values in a column in pandas. col. columns) will give you the number of columns, and not the number of rows. contains("remove me")] data3. On a sample DataFrame of about 6000 rows that I tested it with on two sample substrings, blah. contains to filter the df: In [50]: for k in column_filters. I want to retrieve columns containing multiple strings in a dataframe creating = df. contains is (arguably) much more readable; besides both versions perform very fast and unlikely to be a bottleneck for performance of a code. Filter Pandas Dataframe based on Efficient way to search string contains in multiple columns using pandas [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago. The enter image description here I want to validate the existence of a substring in column 'description'. isin function, but this is only working for entire strings, not for my substrings. filtering a This must have been answered somewhere else, but I can't find the link. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . contains and series. contains("bar", regex=False) was about twice as fast as Find dataframe column values containing a certain string; pandas str contains only true; if string contains loop pandas; combine two columns pandas if either column not string; pandas get select all dataframe columns contains string; str_contains multiple strings; pandas dataframe add two columns int and string; pandas columns contains string I have part of my code extracting an element from a column Ranks by matching a string name with elements in another column Names: rank = df. The str. wniikc cljg nfhwyjb gipikpz yapicwe kameifn lmy khkans wfvs zbyixv byjpy hijm veygu tygysp axyfeh