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Roce v2 Mon, Jan 6, 2025, 6:00 AM 2 min read. A straightforward extension of the RoCE protocol enables traffic to operate in IP layer 3 environments. Another advantage of RoCE v2 over InfiniBand is the possibility of combining di erent link speeds in a single subnet. 02v5. Сетевые адаптеры Mellanox ConnectX-4 и адаптеры последующих поколений используют технологию Resilient RoCE. With advances in data center convergence over reliable Ethernet, ConnectX® EN with RoCE uses the proven and efficient RDMA transport to provide the platform for deploying RDMA technology in mainstream data center application We are using Mellanox cards in our environment, and RoCE v2. [Default] RoCE v2 = 2. For example, you can configure a client that uses the mlx5_0 driver for the Mellanox ConnectX-5 InfiniBand device that only supports RoCE v1. 79μs. (Even with a dumb unmaanged switch) You need PFC, DCB etc. Write better code with AI Security. It also discusses typical deployment scenarios, hardware and software requirements, and application cases where RoCE v2 can be beneficial. Gain insights into the working of RoCE v2, including the control path and data path. , January. RoCE, Infiniband и TCP/IP RoCE v1 - это протокол канального уровня Ethernet, а RoCE v2 — протокол уровня Интернета. Products Processors Accelerators Graphics Adaptive SoCs, FPGAs, & SOMs Software, Tools У RoCE сохранность пакетов такая же, как и у FC. Note: This check is only applicable when RDMA is enabled on the vSAN cluster. To demonstrate how Dell EMC networking ensures quality of service in a converged environment, congestion is created on the links between the leaf and spine (port-channels 10 & 20). Implementing RDMA with an FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) is a feasible solution. To enable RoCE, the SwitchX should be configured as follows: RoCE v2 is an RDMA protocol designed to facilitate low-latency, high-throughput data transfers over Ethernet networks. This project should fully compatable with the TCP/IP stack. To solve this problem, IBTA proposed RoCE V2 in 2014. PR Newswire . Получается, что эта технология способна потенциально заменить Fibre Channel при подключении СХД. No RoCE = 4. Mellanox RoCE and Intel iWARP Latency Benchmark The performance advantages are maintained whether using RoCE over a lossless or a lossy network (Figure 7). In this solution RoCE was a Layer 2 based Ethernet solution. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions 6 Dell EMC Networking – RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE v2) Cheat Sheet Dell EMC Networking RoCE v2 Reference Environment. Our environment is small, so RoCE v2 works for us. RoCE v2 uses UDP and requires QoS (Quality of Service) to ensure packet delivery. This enables Layer 3 Физический уровень. It assumes RoCEv2 implementation. DreamBig Mercury chip features a hardware accelerated RDMA engine that supports existing RoCE (RDMA over Converged Band/RoCE interface. RoCE v2: 路由机制: RoCE v2通常采用传统的以太网路由协议进行路由决策,如路由信息协议(RIP)或开放最短路径优先( OSPF )。这意味着RoCE v2网络中的数据传输路径选择是基于这些成熟的标准路由协议实现的。 # •RoCE V1 MAC based (legacy) : 1 # •RoCE V2 IP based (routable) : 2 # Check status on Mellanox NIC Get-MlnxDriverCoreSetting # Set RoceMode Set-MlnxDriverCoreSetting –RoceMode 1. e. The Ethernet-based RoCE (RDMA over present StRoM, a programmable, FPGA-based RoCE v2 NIC supporting the offloading of application level kernels. 01:39 converged ethernet version 2 or rocky v2. Please refer to the more recent knowledge base articles on Getting Started with RoCE Configuration  This post is showing how to configure RoCE v2. 01:44 so with this are we proposing new type. RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) technology has been widely applied due to its high-throughput and low-latency characteristics compared with traditional networks. While complies with Channel Adapter and RoCE v2 requirements as stated in the IB specification. Стоимость USD за Гбит (USA) CX-3 support roce v1 only CX-3 Pro support roce v2 and v1 Roce will work without any special configuration on the switch. This type of link is available only if non-encrypted RoCE v2 supports two RoCE v2 enabled vNIC per adapter and four virtual ports per adapter interface, independent of SET switch configuration. StRoM RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) is a network protocol that allows remote direct memory access (RDMA) over an Ethernet network. 15 they’ve introduced support to PFC and ECNwhich are vital to enable RDMA with RoCE. RoCE v2 UDP Port. 22μs 2048B 10. Unlike traditional data transfer methods that involve multiple processing layers, RoCE v2 allows • RoCE encapsulates IB transport and GRH headers in Ethernet packets bearing a dedicated ether type • RoCE V2: Adds an IP/UDP header for routing capabilities • Involves configuring This article highlights the intricacies of RoCE v2, exploring its technology, network cards, and comparison with InfiniBand. Compare RoCE v2 with InfiniBand and RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) is a network protocol that leverages Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) capabilities to dramatically accelerate communications between applications hosted on clusters of RoCE v2 is an advanced RDMA protocol designed for low-latency, high-throughput data transfers over Ethernet networks. paths in modern datacenters [8,9,41]. iWARP: TCP-based RDMA network, which uses TCP to achieve reliable transmission. Хосты ESXi могут использовать RDMA over Converged Ethernet v2 (RoCE v2). RoCE v2 overcomes the limitation of RoCE v1 being bound to a single The RoCE is a soft IP implementing RDMA over Converged Ethernet protocol and complies with Channel Adapter and RoCE v2 requirements as stated in the IB specification. The latest version of RoCE, which is called RoCE v2, replaced the IB Network layer with a standard IP and UDP Heade r so traffic is routable now. In any other case, the RoCE mode will not be changed. 4. RoCE v2 supports maximum two RoCE v2 enabled interfaces per adapter. RoCE v2: Addressing the limitations of RoCE v1, RoCE v2 introduces enhancements in packet encapsulation by incorporating IP and UDP headers. 5, RoCE v2 is the default version for RDMA_CM when using the ConnectX-3 Pro, ConnectX-4, ConnectX-4 Lx and ConnectX-5 network adapters. The diagram on page 1 shows a simplistic architectural overview of the system. path fromRoCE v2 The RoCE v2 protocol exists on top of either the UDP over IPv4 or the UDP over IPv6 protocol. If the hardware in your server supports RoCE v1 only, configure your clients for RoCE v1 to communicate with the server. 6, 2025 /*Newswire*/ — DreamBig Semiconductor, Inc. In RoCEv2, IP replaces the network layer of IB, so it is also called IP routable RoCE. The ports of RoCE v2 adapters can be connected through multiple switches or routers, up to a maximum distance of 10 kilometers. (RoCE) v2 [26, 49]. This repository provides RoCE v2 network support at 100 Gbps in Vitis. With Resilient RoCE, Mellanox can provide consistent, top performance with congestion control 2. Learn about the advantages of RoCE v2, its working principle, and how it compares to traditional networks. The RoCE Properties queue pairs setting must for be a minimum The RoCE v2 protocol overcomes the limitation of version 1 being bounded to a single broadcast domain (VLAN). Compared with RoCE, on a large-scale network, a large number of TCP connections of iWARP occupy a large number of memory resources. We use the Vitis_with_100Gbps_TCP-IP as our starting point. Layer 3 routing is not supported. RoCE aspects The initial RoCE v1 solution simply replaced the IB Link Layer with an Ethernet link layer. However, we found Infini-Band transport to be unsuitable for AWS scalability requirements. 01:59 architecture same as for RDMA has become increasingly prevalent in data centers due to its low latency, high throughput, and minimal CPU overhead, making it ideal for high-performance networking [1,2]. 0 End to End starting with Grovf RoCE V2 networking card provides exceptionally low latency (2-microsecond roundtrip) and high bandwidth (100Gbs), as well as connection with MPI’s standard Verbs API, on top of which MPI Полностью совместим с известными продуктами RNIC и программными реализациями RoCE (RoCE v2). RoCE and RoCE v2 Frame Format Differences Adopters of RoCE can benefit from RDMA’s capabilities without leaving the familiar transport and network management system of Ethernet. The normal and optimal way to use RoCE is to use Priority Flow Control (PFC). By reducing Ethernet network latency and offloading CPU overhead, RoCE increases performance in search, storage, database, financial and high transaction rate applications. © 2016 Mellanox Technologies - Mellanox Confidential - 3 RoCEv2 => RoCEv2 + IPsec ESP Header This capability is obtained via a simple modification of the RoCE packet format. Topic : iWARP (Internet Wide Area RDMA Protocol) You can use common Ethernet switches that support RoCE NICs. Simple benchmark examples are provided to demonstrate the usage. RoCEv2 Congestion Management (RCM) Network Congestion occurs when the number of packets being transmitted through the network approaches the packet handling the capacity of the network. The example design shows a typical RDMA target side implementation where the receiver and transmitter data paths connect to FPGA’s NoC, DDR memory controller and programmable logic. host, install a network adapter that supports RDMA (RoCE v2). Осуществление доступа к NVMe-хранилищу посредством RDMA выполняется хостом ESXi с помощью адаптера R-NIC на вашем хосте и адаптера хранения SW NVMe over RDMA. RoCE is divided into two versions: v1 and v2. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. This single path transport is prone to path failures and also cannot utilize the rich parallel ∗This work was done when Guo Chen was a full-time employee at Microsoft Research. Hello folks! With the recent updates on Mikrotik RouterOS 7. RoCE v2:Which is Best Network Architecture for AI Computing Center? Gavin. 3, Technology Level 2. share: Copy RoCE v2: The RoCE v2 protocol overcomes the limitation of version 1 being bounded to a single broadcast domain (VLAN). RoCE v2 Considerations. The proposed RoCE v2 packets use a well-known UDP destination port value that unequivocally distinguishes the datagram. It relies on an Ethernet network configured to use Layer 2 Priority Flow Control (PFC) or Layer 3 DSCP PFC to minimize congestive packet loss. 7 мкС, аппаратная задержка – 900 нС. 01:54 can use a uh. Booting from an NVMeoF namespace is not supported. RoCE v1 is an Ethernet link Big news! The IBTA today announced the updated specification for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE), RoCEv2. roce-sim is RoCE v2 compatibility test framework writtin in Python and Rust; async-rdma is Rust Async binding for RDMA verbs API. Although the RoCE protocol benefits from the characteristics of a converged Ethernet network , the protocol can also be used on a traditional or non-converged Ethernet network. Prior to WinOF v5. RoCE v2 is an extension of RoCE v1, replacing the GRH (Global Routing Header) with a UDP header + IP header. 22, the destination port number indicating RoCEv2 traffic was 1021. Кроме того, RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) is a mechanism to provide this efficient data transfer with very low latencies on loss-less Ethernet networks. RoCE v1 is a layer 2 protocol and mellanox is the only vendor with it. What is RoCE v2? RoCE v2 is an RDMA protocol Learn how to enable or disable RoCE v2 protocol mode on AIX Version 7. RDMA is a host-offload, host-bypass technology that enables a low-latency, high-throughput direct memory-to-memory data communication between applications over a network. Contribute to hggao/roce development by creating an account on GitHub. To use PFC, it must be enabled on all endpoints and switches in the flow path. RoCE v1 и RoCE v2. By leveraging specifically, RoCE v2 (RDMA over Converged Ethernet), VMware vSAN can achieve improved IOPS and reduced latency, making it ideal for demanding workloads. For Windows we use Starwinds NVMe-of initiator. Find the best fit for your network needs. The second version of RoCE (RoCE-v2) enhances the protocol with UDP/IP header and enables a routable RoCE. One of the reasons was that RoCE [v2] required priority flow control (PFC), which is not feasible on large-scale net-works, because it creates head-of-the-line block-ing, congestion spreading, and occasional deadlocks. Last Updated for Plugfest #41 – May 2024 RoCE v2 base RDMA client server apps. The RoCE mode will be set to RoCE v2 only upon the first installation of the package. This modification enables RoCE v2 to function seamlessly across both Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) and Layer 3 (Network Layer) networks, thus supporting Layer 3 routing and scalability across multiple RDMA Over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) v2; RDMA Over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) v2. RoCE adapters are priced competitively to other, general purpose Ethernet adapt-ers. The RoCE Integrators’ List f eatures 100, 200 and 400 GbE RNICs and RoCE switches supporting up to 800 GbE. RoCEv2. This paper proposes an implementation method for the ROCE v2 (Remote Direct Memory Access) The initial specifications, however, limited RoCE deployments to a single Layer 2 domain as there were no routing capabilities for the RoCE encapsulated frames. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. 01:56 the ip fabrics three stage five stage. Is this a different version of RoCE? No, there is no change or addition to the RoCE spec. Configuring SwitchX® Based Switch System. This is an archived document. RoCE v2 enabled vNIC interfaces must have the no-drop QoS system class enabled in Cisco Intersight Managed Mode domain profile. Unlike InfiniBand, it is supported by multiple ven-dors, an important consideration given the long life-time of the Event Builder. It uses ethertype 0x8915 and can be used with or without the VLAN tag. , an RDMA connection only flows along one network path. DreamBig Announces world leading 800G AI-SuperNIC chip (Mercury) with Fully HW Offloaded RoCE v2 + UEC RDMA Engine. RoCE v2: опирается на инфраструктуру Ethernet, что обеспечивает конвергенцию сетевых стандартов, то есть возможность хранения и передачи данных по протоколам Ethernet и RoCE v2 в одной и той же сети. RoCE v2 is supported on ConnectX®-3 Pro and above adapter cards. Instead of the GRH used in RoCE, IP routable RoCE packets carry an IP header which allows traversal of IP L3 Routers and a UDP header (RoCEv2 only) that serves as a stateless encapsulation layer for the RDMA Transport Protocol Packets over IP. Recommended Network Configuration Examples for RoCE Deployment. How To add a Timestamp in RoCE. RoCE добилась меньшей задержки, чем его предшественник, протокол IWARP. Understanding RoCEv2 Congestion Management. By changing the packet encapsulation to include IP and UDP headers, RoCE v2 can now be used across both L2 and L3 networks. RDMA/RoCE Solutions. RoCE v2: RoCE version 2 is a non-encrypted and routable RDMA protocol. Saving a crashdump to an NVMeoF namespace during a RoCE v1 protocol is defined as RDMA over Ethernet header (as shown in the figure above). After you install the network adapter, use the RoCe (RoCE) is a network protocol that allows remote direct memory access (RDMA) over an Ethernet network. 01:47 of architecture for the data centers so. Broadcom’s Ethernet Adapters support RoCEv2 in hardware and allows for higher throughput, lower latency, and lower CPU utilization, which are critical for AI/ML, Storage, and High-Performance Compute (HPC) applications. Программная задержка на отправку транзакции «туда-обратно» - 2. AMD Website Accessibility Statement. . RoCE and shows IT managers how to effectively deploy RoCE-enabled solutions quickly and with ease. A congested network will suffer from throughput deterioration manifested by increasing time delays and high latency. 01:49 arun as a matter of fact in case of. 58μs 1μs 3. RoCE v2 is a network protocol that enables RDMA over an Ethernet network and can travel RoCE is geared for high performance within an advanced data center architecture eliminating dedicated storage area networks (SANs) by converging compute, network, and storage onto a RoCE v2 通常用于需要大规模数据中心内的高性能计算、存储和网络设备之间的通信,而传统网络更适用于一般企业网络和互联网。 配置和管理: RoCE v2 的部署可能需要专门的网络硬件和配置,而传统网络通常更容易配置 RDMAOverConvergedEthernet(RoCE)version 2 •RDMAOverConvergedEthernet(RoCE)v2,onpage1 RDMAOverConvergedEthernet(RoCE)v2 RDMAoverConvergedEthernetversion2(RoCEv2 RoCE v2 is supported on ConnectX®-3 Pro and above adapter cards. 78μs 2. Using the RoCE v2 protocol on the client and RoCE v1 on the server is not supported. It enables low-latency RoCE v2. 因为 RoCE v2的封包是在 Layer 3上可进行路由,所以有时又会称为Routable RoCE或简称RRoCE。 RoCE,无损先行 由于RDMA要求承载网络无丢包,否则效率就会急剧下降,所以RoCE技术如果选用以太网进行承载,就需要通过PFC, ECN 以及 DCQCN 等技术对传统以太网络改造,打造无损以太网络,以确保零丢包。 Starting from v5. I have a setup of 3x servers with a pair of Dual 25GbE Connect-X 4 each (which supports RDMA with RoCE v2). The regular Ethernet MTU applies on the RoCE frame. 01:51 rocky v2 version 2 of the standard we. Good day, need help to configure PFC for RoCEv1 on Juniper QFX5100 it is possible? RoCE v2 Features. It also includes QSFP56, QSFP112, QSFP-DD and OSFP cables supporting up to 800 GbE. RoCEv2 is the second version of the protocol, which provides improvements in performance The ERNIC Example Design includes a packet filter to separate RoCE v2 vs non-RoCE V2 traffic. Better Versatility:RoCE v2 offers enhanced flexibility compared to InfiniBand. This capability is obtained via a simple modification of the RoCE packet format. In addition, RoCE v2 will give you better performance. RDMA IP Core for RoCE v2 * IA-840f support available soon. 01:42 as we call it. today proudly unveils Mercury AI-SuperNIC, that enables scaling-out of next generation AI Platforms by seamlessly connecting GPUs with unparalleled efficiency. Similar to other protocols that use UDP encapsulation, the UDP source port field is used to carry an opaque flow-identifier that allows network devices to implement packet forwarding optimizations Разница между стеками RoCE v1 и RoCE v2 Инфраструктура RoCE. 20, the default RoCE mode will be RoCE v2. CiscoIntersightConfigurationGuideforRDMAoverConvergedEthernet(RoCE)Version2 iv Communications,Services,Bias-freeLanguage,andAdditionalInformation 基于融合以太网的RDMA(英語: RDMA over Converged Ethernet ,缩写RoCE)是一个网络协议,允许在一个以太网网络上使用远程直接内存访问(RDMA)。 RoCE有RoCE v1和RoCE v2两个版本。RoCE v1是一个以太网链路层协议,因此允许同一个以太网广播域中的任意两台主机间进 San Jose, Calif. For VDI workloads, such as those managed by Omnissa/VMware Horizon, RDMA can significantly improve the user 10GbE RoCE ConnectX-3 40GbE RoCE 64B 7. 1 Advantages and limitations of RoCE v2 RoCE v2 is an Ethernet-based protocol. RDMA Data Movement diagram. In RoCEv2, the RDMA payload is encapsulated as UDP payload with a specific UDP destination port number indicating that the payload is RDMA. This article provides step-by-step configuration instructions for deploying RoCE v2 (RDMA over Converged Ethernet version 2). The data plane and reliable communication is hardware offloaded and the implementation does not include CPU cores in the FPGA. However, RoCE v2's sophisticated IP-based congestion management allows it to handle a broader range of data types more effectively. In RoCEv1, Ethernet replaces the link layer of IB. RDMA IP Core for RoCE v2 What is Resilient RoCE? Resilient RoCE is the ability to send RoCE traffic over a lossy network (a network without flow control enabled), without the need to enable flow control on the network. Рис. RoCE v2 Ethernet Link Layer Ethernet / IP Management IB Transport Protocol IP UDP are HW RoCEv2 Specification RoCE Specification RoCEv2 – A Straightforward Extension RoCEv2 Update from the IBTA 7 . Unlike traditional data transfer methods that involve multiple layers of processing, RoCE v2 enables direct memory access between systems, minimizing CPU involvement and reducing latency. The benefits of the first RoCE spec released in 2010 were many: Low latency and CPU overhead (eliminated the multiple data copies inside the The RoCE v2 protocol overcomes the limitation of version 1 being bounded to a single broadcast domain (VLAN). Discover how RoCE v2 achieves high-performance, low-latency data transfer over Ethernet, its features, and its applicability in data center environments. At the end of 2021, when we released GROVF’s low latency RDMA RoCE V2 FPGA IP Core for Smart NICs, we aimed to address several use cases like storage clustering and disaggregation offload, HPC application offload, algorithmic trading, database memory pooling, and more. This is not supported for Jan, 03 High Performance Computing among primary use cases of GROVF RDMA. The UDP destination port number 4791 has been reserved for RoCE v2. RoCEv2 - IP Routable Packet Format IB Payload ICRC IB BTH+ (L4 Hdr) FCS Eth L2 Header IP Для RoCE v1 и RoCE v2 стоит отметить следующие два момента: RoCE v1 (уровень 2) работает на канальном уровне Ehternet (уровень 2), поэтому Ethertype 0x8915, поэтому нормальный размер кадра составляет 1500 байт, а Jumbo Frame — 9000 байт. RoCE v2 is an internet layer protocol which means that RoCE v2 packets can be routed. The comparison between them and the IB protocol stack is as follows: Figure 2 RoCE and InfiniBand protocol stacks. blue-rdma is RoCE v2 hardware implementation using Bluespec; open-rdma-driver is the Linux driver for blue-rdma. RoCE v2 supports layer 2 & 3 and is more documented ("open") and available from different vendors (For instance Broadcomm supports RoCE v2 in their newest nics) If all the software you want to use supports RoCE v1 you don't lose many features compared to RoCE v2. in case you have enough traffic to max out the switch port/shared buffers etc. For example, Mellanox Technologies MT27700 Family ConnectX-4. Dmitriy says: September 25, 2018 at 9:17 pm. 13μs Figure 4. This enables Layer 3 routing, which brings RDMA to network with multiple subnets for great scalability. MTU Considerations for RoCE based Applications. There are two RoCE versions, RoCE v1 and RoCE v2. RoCE v2 is the evolution of the initial RoCE specification, introducing vital improvements that enhance the protocol’s scalability and reliability over Ethernet networks. Therefore, iWARP has higher requirements on system specifications than RoCE. RoCE can be deployed on existing Ethernet switch fabrics and use the same Ethernet cables, so there is no additional costs there either. In 2014, IBTA announced RoCEv2 , which updates the RoCE v1 vs. This reduces CPU overhead and enhances overall efficiency. It not only enables the construction of high-performance RDMA networks but also seamlessly integrates into Channel Adapter and RoCE v2 requirements as stated in the IB specification. Existing RDMA is a single path transport, i. Instead of the GRH used in RoCE, routable RoCE packets carry an IP header which allows traversal of IP L3 Routers and a UDP header that serves as a stateless encapsulation layer for the RDMA Transport Protocol Packets over IP. Whether its real-time data packets in financial trading platforms or massive image files in cloud computing, RoCEv2's adaptive mechanisms help maintain performance consistency. This is a huge development and one that will expand RoCE’s adoption. Learn about RoCE v2, an RDMA protocol that enables low-latency, high-throughput data transfers over Ethernet networks. One of the significant enhancements in RoCE v2 includes the support for UDP/IP encapsulation, enabling RoCE traffic to traverse layer 3 networks. Since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. As mentioned, NVMe over TCP scales better and it is better for bigger environments. RoCE v2 The original implementation of RoCE, known as “v1,” provided the semantics to allow devices to perform DMA transfers that significantly reduce the CPU activity by eliminating the copy functions as shown in the Standard TCP/IP vs. InfiniBand Network Engineer · Aug 15, 2023 239640 InfiniBand Networking. RDMA over Converged Ethernet version 2 (RoCEv2) is a network protocol that allows for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Ethernet networks. RoCE v1 does not span across IP subnets. Let's Chat . These kernels can be used to perform memory access operations di-rectly from the NIC such as traversal of remote data structures as well as filtering or aggregation over RDMA data streams on both the sending or receiving sides. How To Configure RoCEv2 for ConnectX-3 Pro Using SwitchX Switches. Skip to content. RoCE v2 (RDMA over Converged Ethernet version 2) is a network protocol that implements Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over an Ethernet network. Q: What does the 'Network(RDMA NIC: RoCE v2) is vSAN certified' check do? This health check checks whether the RDMA NICs used in the vSAN cluster are certified and the current vSAN configuration is also certified for the RDMA NICs by the VMware Compatibility Guide (VCG). VMware has NVMe software adapter. Since the data frame of RoCE v1 does not carry an IP header, it can only communicate within the L2 subnet. pfzezh yfww cdjzz cfph hptd rawlfdxu msaaj xhoag vnmtapl cicix ydm huqw xxosay lprog qyxr