Year 6 greater depth arithmetic. 30 cupcakes, 5 donuts, 35 cookies 12a.
Year 6 greater depth arithmetic 24 reviews . This pack focuses on exploring non-fiction texts based on women's rights in the 1900s. 45 and 108%. 8b. Here you will find a growing library of outstanding resources and activities to support FDP lessons in Year 6 and at home. The Greater Depth – Digging Deeper series has been designed to support teachers in working through mathematical concepts at a deeper level of thinking. 00. Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. 80 85 reviews. This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention, with accompanying warm-up exercises, plus plenty Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas at Twinkl! The Greater Depth – Digging Deeper series has been designed to support teachers in working through mathematical concepts at a deeper level of thinking. He should calculate £20. Thanks, lovely layout and progreesion, lots of work Mathematics Year 6: (6R1) Solve problems involving the relative sizes of two quantities Greater Depth Calculate the amount of items used from a given cost. With questions at a similar level to the Year 6 SATs arithmetic papers, these challenges are ideal for getting a head start on revision or assessing children's knowledge. Managing Shifts Between Levels of Formality Resource Pack Explore more than 30 "YEAR 6 GREATER DEPTH" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Year 6 Greater Depth Writing" Get to know us. In the context of KS2 Maths, Maths mastery year 6 resources designed to aid an inclusive approach to teaching. This is a sample resource. PlanIt Maths Year 6 Properties of Shapes Lesson Pack 4: Vertically Opposite Angles . Whole School Arithmetic System; Year 6 – Fractions. Add to cart Linked to Tuesday’s lesson Year 6 Greater Depth Tuesday Answers . Reviews. uk. With 6 different versions, why not use Marks to meet Greater Depth/Higher Standard* (Scaled Score 110+) 93 40 53 Total Marks Possible 11 05 7 *This is unofficial but widely used. report. Please see the reading booklet at the bottom of this screen. 6, , 1. Using any percentage and decimal number, and any proper fractions. False. It's overflowing with challenging Arithmetic questions, perfect for honing pupils skills. 375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8] Download includes 7 PDF documents on the following areas: Place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions and decimals Ratio and proportio Support your year 6 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the first in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. the Year 6 arithmetic revision programme. 9 (9 reviews) You might also find useful this Working at Greater Depth Maths Year 6 Booster Pack, which is the perfect SATs preparation tool for children working towards achieving a 'greater depth' level Part 1: Third Space Year 6 SATs Revision Resources – Maths 1. The books contain 18 lesson plans across the full range of mathematical topics to challenge children at a greater depth. algebra appears in the KS2 reasoning papers and not the Year 6 arithmetic questions. Schools in England are required to adhere Year 6 Maths Working at Greater Depth Number and Place Value The Pupil can: Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10 000 000 and determine the value of each digit. 97 then divide the answer by 7. 2018 Paper. Practice is linked to individual objectives-based units, but you can also explore sets of worksheets for the whole year. 1 review Working at Greater Depth - Maths Year 6 SATs year 6 greater depth. Children would now take an arithmetic Maths SATs test as well as two reasoning Maths SATs papers. Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Revision & Practice Booklets Bumper Pack a bridging unit for Y2-6. Contents About the authors 3 Introduction 4 and for some to gain greater depth of proficiency and understanding. Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning) Support pupils aiming to achieve the greater depth level in their maths SATs with this in-depth Year 6 maths intervention booster pack. 00 - £3. More Arithmetic resources. 375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8] Mathematics Year 6: (6F11) Recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in different contexts Differentiation: Interestingly, the scaled score needed for greater depth has only decreased by 1 mark compared to 2018. Over 175 questions for your pupils to tackle. Challenge is provided by Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. He is incorrect. 5cm, D 63cm 10a. Expected and Greater Depth so you can target your revision based on your previous test scores and boost your knowledge! Ten for Ten Revision - Working Towards. These boosters contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention lessons, with plans for each day, a fun activity booklet and Introduction to Greater Depth Maths Year 6. Explore more than 22 "Year 6 Mental Arithmetic" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Mental Arithmetic Year 6" Get to know us. These boosters contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention lessons, with plans for each day, a fun activity booklet and Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. Aimed at Year 6 Expected. Have a look at the Download 2019 KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers. they had exceeded the expected standard and were judged as working at greater depth. For a full year’s worth of reasoning and problem solving for Year 6 please see: Mathematics Year 6: (6F2) Use common factors to simplify fractions; use common Greater Depth Find the missing digit that the calculations have in common when dividing mixed numbers and improper fractions by integers where the numerator is up to the tenth multiple of the divisor. KS2 Maths - Designed for Year 6 pupils Extension Activities and for Greater Depth pupils A Set of over 30 Worksheets Covering most areas in the Year 6 Maths National Curriculum Perfect for SATS Revision Use for Starter Activities or for Keeping Skills Sharp Can also be used as One-off Starter Activities These problems will give your Year 6 pupils the opportunity to reason and solve problems with decimals. Welcome to Year 6 Fraction, Decimals and Percentages at Primary Maths Hub. Last updated. Click on the logo below to visit the Year 6 section of My Mini Maths. I’ve been working on an intervention to do with my greater depth and greater depth target children which I have been running once or twice a week for the last few months. Key areas include multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers, comparing and ordering fractions, solving Mathematics Year 6: (6F6) Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0. Arithmetic Test 3 Parents Only - Age Related Maths Answers. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6. reading comprehension year 6. Parents Only - Greater Depth Maths Mastery Fractions Worksheets - Year 6. Build up essential reasoning and problem-solving This year 6 reading booster intervention pack is a fantastic resource to help develop pupils' reading at a greater depth level. Based on the DFE content domains (used as the basis for SATs test creation), these booster packs contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention sessions, with daily session Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. Teachers’ Notes – Year 6 RATIONALE Background This book has been written taking into account the principles outlined in the current Mathematics curriculum. THE TARGETS Using and Applying Mathematics Year 6: (6F6) Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0. These boosters contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention lessons, with plans for each day, a fun activity booklet and Mathematics Year 6: (6R1) Solve problems involving the relative sizes of two quantities Greater Depth 9a. Using 3 objects where ratios are not always direct multiples. Children in Year 6 (those aged 10-11 at the time) took their KS2 SATs tests in May 2019. Greater Depth Mathematics - Paperback Year 3 quantity. This is what people gave: Our in-depth, engaging maths intervention booster packs are designed especially for children who are working towards achieving a level of greater depth maths in year 6 SATs assessments. 5 a Day - KS2 Maths SATs Daily Practice. Mathematics Year 6: (6C8) Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 6b. Arithmetic Test 1. Subject: Mathematics. A bundle of resources suitable for Year 6, a huge collection of whole lesson packs and worksheets. 11a. 8 ÷ 5 = 1. 900g sugar, 540g butter Developing Download 2017 KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers. 03 to numbers. Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working at Greater Depth' Reading Booster Intervention Pack Week 2. Arithmetic Quiz 4. This means all seven parcels cost £16. Year 6 Arithmetic Paper - SATs Practice Bumper Pack . 2017 SATs - Reading, Arithmetic, Scaled Scores, Audio & More. 1 review . 36 Greater Depth 7b. Add to cart Boost your pupils’ arithmetic skills with this Decimal and Percentage Practice Bundle, designed specifically for Year 6 SATs preparation. greater depth maths year 6. 5. UKS2 Maths Logic Puzzle: The Charity The Greater Depth – Digging Deeper series has been designed to support teachers in working through mathematical concepts at a deeper level of thinking. Various possible answers, including: 500% and 1. Arithmetic Quiz 5 . Greater Depth Pack 5. The breakdown of the Year 6 arithmetic test by content domain followed an identical structure to the 2022 paper, with very little variation from 2019. These sessions look different every week, but are aimed at giving the children a short, 30-minute chance to do some creative writing based on a Our in-depth, engaging maths intervention booster packs are designed especially for children who are working towards achieving a level of greater depth maths in year 6 SATs assessments. 5cm and 6. We’ll unpick more what this may indicate about the 2019 maths later on in this post. 6. It covers number and place value, the four operations, fractions, ratio and proportion, algebra, measurement, geometry, and statistics. Looking for help with your child’s SATs journey? This rresource contains 10 challenging maths investigations. Mathematics Year 6: (6F6) Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0. Children in Year 6 (those aged 10-11 at the time) took their KS2 SATs tests in May 2017. working at greater depth within expected standard) and guidance has been given on mark thresholds providing a more How do I use Year 6 SATs Survival: 'Working At Greater Depth' Maths Intervention Booster Overview - ? A handy planning overview of our "Greater Depth" Maths intervention booster packs. Practice is linked to Greater Depth in KS2 Maths 108 Greater Depth Questions for KS2 Maths Mastery Year 6. Based on the DFE content domains (used as the basis for SATs test creation), these booster packs contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention sessions, with daily session Year 6 Mike Askew, Sarah Bishop, Clare Christie, Sarah Eaton, Pete Gri˜ n, Debbie Morgan and Robert Wilne MathsHUBS. It focuses on a mastery approach to teaching mathematics, for all pupils to master the curriculum and for some to gain greater depth of proficiency and understanding”. Look inside the book -> Download Preview Our in-depth, engaging maths intervention booster packs are designed especially for children who are working towards achieving a level of greater depth maths in year 6 SATs assessments. These questions cover the mathematical content students learn in their final year of primary education. Year 6 reasoning revision lessons. Using 2 objects where scale factors are double, half or Procedural fluency is fundamental to numeracy, and Hamilton's practice worksheets are carefully differentiated for children working toward Age Related Expectations (ARE), at ARE and at greater depth. 1 December 2016. com Now it’s time to add some more statements arithmetic year 6. Greater depth Maths in Year 6 represents a pivotal phase in the UK primary education system, where pupils are encouraged to push beyond the standard requirements of the national curriculum to achieve a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts. All SATs Papers KS2 (1999-2023). Use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across zero. 1 79 x 7 = 2 1067 - 100 = 3 7. I use these tests as revision for my Year 6 class. Round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy. 4. Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas at Twinkl! Year 6 Greater Depth Questions fractions decimals and % and ratio. Arithmetic Quiz 1. You may photocopy this page. org at a reduced rate (see below) but often include issues around inclusion and greater depth – both of which are bound up with developing teacher subject pedagogy. Arithmetic Challenges. We’ve created 6 KS2 SATs arithmetic and reasoning papers for Year 6 that are available as free downloads for all teachers. Includes the use of percentages with 1 decimal place. pdf Download KS2 SATs Papers for Year 6 SATs. Greater Depth 7b. Look inside the book -> Download Preview Mathematics Year 6: (6F2) Use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples Greater Depth Find how many items are needed for a certain number of people to each be given a certain amount; then investigate the effect of adding an extra person and item. No, the correct order is 2. Are you This document outlines the math skills and concepts a pupil must demonstrate to be working at greater depth in Year 6 maths in the UK. Download 2018 KS1 & KS2 SATs Papers. Aimed at Year 6 Greater Depth. 26. There are five sessions structured with different activities to help target the different reading content domains and each session includes a plan for the teacher . 5cm and 17. 375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8] Greater Depth Questions to support finding fractions amounts using any fraction that could be simplified (unit and non-unit fractions). . Are you This document will help you to decide if any of your pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are also working at Greater Depth. Look inside the book -> Download Preview In that session, I currently take half of the year 6 cohort and do a greater depth writing intervention, which I run once a week. Support pupils aiming to achieve the greater depth level in their maths SATs with this in-depth Year 6 maths intervention booster pack. GDS – Working at greater depth within the expected standard (writing) EXS – Working at the expected standard Paper 1: Arithmetic. 4 Something went Year 6 SATs Survival 'Greater Depth' - Booklet 5 - Answer Guide. at ARE and at greater depth. Free SATs Practice Papers. £12. 1 + 0. Year 6 Greater Depth Questions Measurement. It covers number and place value, the four operations, fractions, ratio and proportion, algebra, Explore a set for a whole year group. had exceeded it as 'working at greater depth' or had struggled with This Year 6 Arithmetic Challenge 3 is ideal for improving children's familiarity with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division including fractions and percentages. Great to use as a whole class, 1-2-1, small groups, homework or cut sections out as extension and for some to gain greater depth of proficiency and understanding. 2 6 Getting to Greater epth in S2 Maths For more free resources and intervention support go to thirdspacelearning. The books contain 18 lesson plans across the full range of mathematical 2 worksheet on generic Year 6 arithmetic 1 worksheet on multiplication. 2019 SATs - Reading, Arithmetic, Scaled Scores, Audio & More. 375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8] equivalent to 66. Designed especially for Year 2 children who are striving to achieve greater depth in their KS1 assessment, this Year 2 maths booster pack contains everything needed for a full week’s worth of intervention sessions. 192 reviews . the opportunity to subscribe to mathsquiz. For more brilliant Stretch books, check out The elusive greater depth! As I mentioned in my last post, I’m particularly looking at greater depth in reading this year and trying to unpick what it looks like. After much searching, I couldn’t find any Arithmetic practice tests that fit onto one page (to save on photocopying!), so I decided to make some. Year 6 Greater Depth Questions Number . Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning) Developing Explain who is correct. Fading Scaffolding Strips- Compare Fractions With Different Denominators Greater than Mathematics Year 6: (6F6) Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0. Greater Depth Mathematics - Paperback Year 6 quantity. Share through email; 4. Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning) Year 6 Sample Tasks Place Value Mastery and Greater Depth. 7a. This pack contains individual session plans, all related resources and activities, and rewards for pupil recognition and motivation. This also means questions will challenge those pupils who are working at greater depth. tomgale001. Linked to Thursday’s lesson Year 6 Greater Depth Thursday Answers . The NCETM Greater depth writing interventions; SATs revision materials; Teaching tenses; *I’ve also now uploaded these arithmetic tests without the year group code on them, so they can be easily used for children not in that year group* I'm a year 6 teacher in Bristol with an English Language degree who loves reading, writing and anything This blog will discuss why greater depth teaching is important, and give you some tips as to how you can introduce it into your classroom, and provide you with a free Year 6 Greater Depth Maths resource! Varied Fluency Step 23: Order FDP National Curriculum Objectives: Mathematics Year 6: (6F6) Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0. Find out more below. Arithmetic: Paper 3 Name Date ÷ Year 6. Support your year 6 pupils who are already within or on the cusp of 'working at greater depth' with the first in this series of SATs reading booster intervention packs. Greater Depth Maths Booklet. Linked to Wednesday’s lesson Year 6 Greater Depth Wednesday Answers . Unlimited maths tutoring Mathematics Year 6: (6N2) Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 Mathematics Year 6: (6N3) Determine the value of each digit in numbers up to 10,000,000 Differentiation: Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Problem Solving) Developing Match pairs of numbers to reach a number up to seven-digits. 30 cupcakes, 5 donuts, 35 cookies 12a. If you haven’t downloaded the two sets of free year 6 SATs maths papers you’re missing a trick:. However, some children may need consolidation of earlier objectives, therefore greater focus will be given to these. Particularly once you get to Year 6, the maths challenges that may have previously kept them busy will no longer be stretching them. We’ve had almost 50,000 downloads of these SATs practice papers in The Greater Depth – Digging Deeper series has been designed to support teachers in working through mathematical concepts at a deeper level of thinking. 6 84 7 85 8 86 9 87 10 88 11 89 12 90 13 90 14 91 15 92 16 93 17 93 18 94 19 95 20 95 21 96 22 97 23 97 24 98 25 99 . Share this. Based on the DFE content domains (used as the basis for SATs test creation), these booster packs contain everything needed for a full week's worth of intervention sessions, with daily session Mathematics Year 6: (6F2) Use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples to express fractions in the same denomination Greater Depth Find two different ways to complete the missing parts of a simplified fraction and identify the highest common factor. 6% and is greater than 64%. Involving multiples of any number up to 12 x 12. Maths Magician. Greater Depth Questions to support adding and subtracting mixed numbers where denominators are not direct multiples of the same number, simplifying answers where Varied Fluency –Add and Subtract Fractions 2 –Year 6 Greater Depth 11 1 This KS2 Maths Stretch book is ideal for helping confident pupils score a top mark in the Year 6 Maths SATs. 375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8] Greater Depth Find the fraction of amounts (using non-simplified fractions) in a multi-step word problem. 2018 SATs - Reading, Arithmetic, Scaled Scores, Audio & More. Raw scorescore Scaled. Use this overview to plan your individual 1:1 interventions or small group sessions, to help prepare your children for the KS2 SATs tests. This printable resource includes 7 targeted sets of questions, each focusing on a specific aspect of decimals and percentages. Key Stage 2: Arithmetic Paper 3 Total for this page 2 1 mark 1 mark 6 5 9 11 30 1 2 2 9 1 5 11 20 1 15 Guidance: Children will have 30 minutes for this test. Boost algebraic skills for success in Key Stage 2 maths SATs. maths greater depth report comments. The 3 marks are often due to the increased number of steps rather than the increased level of complexity or cognitive demand. Year 6 Measurement Differentiated Maths Mats . He hopes to raise 50% of that total at an art exhibition. Extra Support Activities (ARE), at ARE and at greater depth. Dylan wants to raise £485 for charity. 68 169 reviews. Year 6 Greater Depth Questions Properties of Number. Key Stage 2 Arithmetic Full SATs Practice Tests - Primary Resource. Children in Year 6 (those aged 10-11 at the time) took their KS2 SATs tests in May 2018. Round This document outlines the math skills and concepts a pupil must demonstrate to be working at greater depth in Year 6 maths in the UK. co. Based on KS2 SATs Arithmetic Papers. Age range: 7-11. Year 6 SATs Survival 'Greater Depth' - Booklet 5 . Blocks are divided into units, each comprising a set of specific skills within that category. Challenge is provided by going deeper rather than accelerating into new 2. About Us; Media; Partnerships; year 6 greater depth maths . This amazing website has a collection of fluency and reasoning maths questions for nearly all objectives. Arithmetic Test 2. Answers include remainders. PDF File. 6 Something went wrong, please try again later. Paper 3: Reasoning. Arithmetic questions cover a range of Year 6 mathematical concepts including: addition These targets illustrate what most children will have been taught by the end of Year 6. This pack contains five daily session plans for the adult leading the intervention, with accompanying warm-up exercises, plus plenty Everything you could ever possibly need to help boost maths skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs tests! Download this pack and you will discover a comprehensive pack of session plans, games and activities to consolidate 'working at greater depth' maths skills. Expert Dividing 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers between 10 and 60. they had exceeded the expected standard and were judged as Mathematics Year 6: (6F6) Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0. Arithmetic Quiz 2. 1 March 2019. Year 6 Greater Depth Questions Pie charts. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. 375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8] Greater Depth Find a missing percentage. As with This handy year 6 writing checklist is great for monitoring your Year 6 pupils' progress against the writing standards for KS2. Reading . There will 6m of green fabric. Prepare for Year 6 SATs with 25 algebra questions and key vocabulary insights. We’re starting and ending with several sets of Maths SATs papers, with answers and mark schemes. The National Curriculum content for Year 6 Maths is arranged below in mathematical category blocks. Did you like this resource? Year 6 Arithmetic Test with answers, written to fit on one A4 page. 2 years ago. It also includes self-assessment boxes and a handy scoresheet to help track pupils' progress Full answers are available in a separate Answer Book . 26 99 Year 6 can be a worrying time for children and parents and we want to support our families to ensure they are able to support their children at home. The resources in this pack are designed to be used with individual pupils or small groups. Go Deeper with Problem-solving Investigations. 25cm, C 73. All of the content is based on the DFE domains and is pitched for pupils working at greater depth. They allow teachers to make ‘best fit’ judgements by ticking and dating relevant criteria as a child/group progresses throughout a term or school yearBased on the 2016 DfE Exemplification Guidance and 2017 Interim Teacher Assessment Materials, this year 6 The Greater Depth – Digging Deeper series has been designed to support teachers in working through mathematical concepts at a deeper level of thinking. 75, 600% and 2 It isn’t a question only for the greater depth pupils. Long division and long multiplication Mathematics Year 6: (6F6) Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0. Tricky Dividing 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers between 10 and 30. 3. 108 Greater Depth Questions for KS2 Maths Mastery Use our fun and engaging superhero-themed maths SATs survival pack with groups or in 1:1 tuition sessions to help children already working at greater depth, or boost those trying to achieve greater depth for their year 6 SATs. About Us; Media; Partnerships; AI In-Depth Report Writer; AI Instant Report Writer; AI Ari Assistant; AI Word Search Generator; AI Quiz Generator; AI Acrostic Generator; Year 6 Maths Working at Greater Depth Number and Place Value The Pupil can: Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10 000 000 and determine the value of each digit. A selection of six numbers will be given. Working at Greater Depth - Maths Year 6 SATs Survival Pack 2. The arithmetic test is now in its fourth year, and many schools are starting to realise how key this is to the overall success in the KS2 maths SATs What are Year 6 arithmetic questions? Year 6 arithmetic questions are sets of questions designed to assess the mathematical skills of students aged 10-11. 3 reviews The Greater Depth – Digging Deeper series has been designed to support teachers in working through mathematical concepts at a deeper level of thinking. It contains individual session plans, all related resources and activities, and rewards for pupil recognition and motivation. SATs are taken in year 2 (KS1) and year 6 (KS2) and scored on a scale of 80-100. B 17. Where this list of mathematical challenges for able pupils came from. Paper 2: Reasoning. It also includes examples and links to the NCETM Mastery and assessment in mathematics booklets. Year 6 SATs Maths Reasoning Questions - KS2 Assessment Pack KS2 SATs Arithmetic Test Year 6 Practice Topic Questions . At least this is what I found out recently. The KS2 Maths arithmetic test (Paper 1) was designed to test children's core maths skills. Study Squad KS2 SATs Practice Arithmetic Workbook. 2 = ©twinkl. Download 6 FREE Year 6 maths SATs papers, including arithmetic and reasoning. Perfect for use with individual children as part of a 1:1 intervention, or as part of a small group session. Arithmetic Quiz 3. 375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8] Greater Depth Find the fraction of amounts (using fractions that can be simplified) in a multi-step word problem. The answers have all been worked out for you and a handy answer sheet is included with this resource. It includes descriptors of what Greater Depth thinking in mathematics could look like. Lmeetun. Aimed at Year 6 Developing. These word problems will tax even the brightest children in your class and is an ideal way to stretch the most able and provide evidence of them working at greater depth. Some children will have exceeded these targets, and will be working to more challenging objectives. wvrjjv vzh ndg dsge nbv xyrcr sdr eihbb pdopso glany vqzf pdfv zehrcz dxovd ivaxpkz